The Life of Laika Irene White Chapter 13

Start from the beginning

I finished my sandwich and pulled out my Ipod I searched through my songs looking for some evanescence. When Josh stopped me. 

"Hey sis, could you sing my favorite song?" he asked quietly 

"Sure if it doesn't bother the others then I would love to," I smiled 

The small girl rolled her eyes, "Only if you have a good voice," the others just nodded there heads. So I searched for his song finding it. The song was evanescence 'Hello' 

The next song was playing as I stopped to mess my little brothers hair up lovingly. He smiled 

"Still the best voice I've ever heard Sis," Josh giggled

I chuckled "Suck up," I smiled hugging him gently before pulling away  

Andy and the others were staring at me like I had just done something amazing, even the small girl was astonished, 

"What, is it my voice was it good enough for you?"  I said shrugging my shoulders "I've been singing since I was five years old and training my voice to sing different kinds of music even now, I'm training my voice on scream-o stuff like that, other wise unless they come out with something else."  

"That was amazing you should join the choir!" said some kids that were starting to swarm around the table,  

I tucked myself closer to my brothers being over whelmed with everyone closing in one place around me. I popped the other head phone in and sang silently to 'fully alive' from flyleaf I was trying to block out everyone around me. I slid farther into my seat trying to hide from the crowd that was swarming around us growing bigger as the bell rang. As soon as the bell reached my ears I jumped up jogging out the door getting away from the crowd. I looked behind to see Josh, and Zane behind me. I shoved my hands into my pockets.  

"Josh never make me sing like that again only at home" I whispered into his ear. 

"sorry, I didn't think it would cause that much of a stir in things." he said frowning. 

I ruffled his hair, "Its okay little bro," I smiled. 

He smiled looking up at me, before jogging into the school going to class. When I entered my history class again I looked back and forth to make sure no one was following me before I made it to my seat. I waited for the others to get into the class room. I was already half way done with the project things they wanted us to do that day. Andy came over and asked why I just ran off like I did at lunch. And then I explained how at my old school how everything worked and how I was afraid of people who surrounded me that I was shy as can be since I didn't trust just about everyone in the world as much as I'm a giver, I still don't trust most people I see. I have to know them for a while for them be trustworthy.  

He nodded his head in agreement, I stayed silent about the ex's I had in the past I never ever wanted to bring them up in any conversation ever again. I looked out towards the window pain and misery filling my eyes to the brim just thinking of the horrible memories. I shook them away and looked onto the day that was still not yet finished. 

I followed Andy to the Bus's we waited for the late bus. Zane and Josh had already been picked up by Thomas and lily since they had to get ready for something with L. I looked at the buses before ours passing by like the memories that were flooding me from my first freshman year, how I graduated early and moved onto college classes the next year never once stepping again in the high school building. I sighed remembering why I was taking everything slow and steady. There were reasons that I should have to explain about.  

I pulled my backpack farther onto my back.  

"So Andy, when was the last time you Rode your bike?" I questioned with a side glance 

"Uh last saturday why did you ask anyways?"

"Oh, well never mind then, just wondered," I said changing the subject 

Andy turned to look at me for a few moment but looked away shaking his head,  

"Theres our bus," he said pointing to it,  

I followed him onto the bus waiting for it to traveling towards another school picking up the jr. high students. I turned to face the load of children crowd the seats. I felt suffocated, so I jumped into Andy's seat to avoid the others siting beside me. Andy raised a brow looking down at me as I fumbled around with my Ipod nervously.  

"So Andy what street do you live on?" I said casually  

"first bus stop,â" he smirked, 

I looked up at the first stop I could see Thomas's car setting in the drive way as the bus came to a full stop Andy, I, and some of the other children were filling out of the car. Josh was already setting outside with Kuda waiting for me. Kuda came rushing towards me barking happily. Andy jumped back a little with surprise. I dropped to my knees clinging to Kuda's neck hugging her and cooing at her beauty. 

She slinked back and sat down on the driveway looking at Andy with a tilted head, she already knew who he was but for the act she had to. I turned to tell Andy my dogs name but he was already at the door of his house stepping in, he was the house right beside ours. How Ironic, I sighed thinking on how Thomas had found the house. I knew that they were planning on taking a bicycle track of what I did when I was younger just to figure out how I had made it back to the old house and from there spent the night and then head back. Thats there goal for this summer. 

I opened the door the boxes still lied scattered and spread out my room was the first to be organized so I sat to work on the jewelry sets. I finished 12 before I rubbed my eyes and checked the time on the clock. It read '7:45' the sun was still out. I picked up some of my dancing cloths and got changed. I looked in the mirror as I put my hair up in a bun. I picked up my Ipod speakers and headed outside to the back yard to clear my mind. 

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