Till Death Do Us Part 1

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AN: I have been wanting to do this for a long time. I am dedicating this chapter to ImaniJackson6  :) Thank you for your support! Thank you guys for waiting! The doctors finally figured out what was wrong with me and I'm on the road to recovery.

Gumball's POV

After what has to be the most embarrassing moment of my life, I have not yet recovered. Honestly I haven't left my room since I showed everyone EVERYTHING. Marshall has tried his best to lift my spirits but it had been in vain. He has stayed by my side and spent the rest of the days up until my birthday playing his bass, complaining how bored he was, feeding me, singing to me, and complaining how boring I was. I was having a mini panic attack over facing everyone today. Marshall came over rubbing my back and singing to me. Later this evening my birthday party will begin, I will be eighteen years old. A enormous ball would be held in my honor.

"Hey look at me." He said sweetly. He kissed the my swollen eyes. I groaned and sat in his laps. I was acting like a spoiled child and taking advantage of Marshall's kindness.

"It's going to be okay Gummy bear. Hey if it makes you feel any better practically every girl in the Nightospre has seen my body."

"Marshall that does not make me feel better nor that is something you should say to your betrothed."

"..... Betrothed. Bubba, sweet heart, we've been over this. Speak slowly and use small words when speaking to Marshall." I giggled. "Gummy~" he sang in his beautiful deep voice. He sat me in his arms, gently kissing my neck as he rubbed my back. My entire body relaxed to his cold touch. As the spoiled baby I was, I pushed the limits by burring my head into his chest. His chest did not rise and fall, I could not even hear a heart beat. He told me the truth when he said he was dead. I felt a little sad and I was not sure why. I lifted my head and looked at Marshall.

"Is it lonely?"

"Being this handsome? I'm never lonely."

"No not that, I was just wondering if it is lonely being dead."

"Hmm. It's not that bad, it has it's perks. It's not as bad as you think." More questions flew into my head. Many of them where spinning around my head it was hard for me to pick one to ask.

"What is it like having a cold body temperature?"

"It's normal to me but... It's really nice to be around someone with a normal body tempture." He said pulling me closer to him as if I could get any closer. I settled my head on Marshall's collar bone.

"Do like the night or the day time?"

"Night of course." He said laughing at my stupid question, I blushed a bit.

"W-well what about you falling in love as many times as you have."

"Mmhh what about it?" He said as he leaned against the backboard of the bed.

"It's not possible to fall in love that many times! You must never really loved them right? Lust and love are two different things so you never really fell in love. I mean you must at least once or twice but I guess you could I mean you've lived longer than me..." I felt doubt creep into evert word I spoke. Maybe he really did fall in love all those times. He did say he's over a thousand years old in one of his songs. It can be possible with him but maybe I'm the one that does not want him to be in love with others. What is this stupid emotion I am feeling. It feels different than jealousy.

"Can I ask you a question?" Marshall asked breaking my train of thought.

"Yes, you may."

"Since your such a love expert, tell me what it's like to be in love?" I felt flustered but I had to say something so I do not look as silly as I feel. Maybe this will work...

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