Chapter 3 : 18 Months Later

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The look on her face makes me crack up. Soon we are all laughing hysterically.


"DAD I'M HOME" I yell while closing the door. I have just got home from the shops. We ended up walking around for another hour or so.

I walk down the hallway to see my Dad sitting at the table looking at me.

I rush to sit down in the seat next to him.

"OMG is everything okay? Someone didn't die did they?" I ask my face becoming red.

"No Stiles." My Dad says looking down at his hands.

"What is it?" I ask, finally calming down.

"Think about what month it is Stiles." He says. I look at him confused.

"It's May dad, what could that possi..." I start before realizing what this was about.

"No, it can't be Dad..." I say, my voice going weak at the thought of having to leave my friends.

"I'm sorry son, I tried to see if I could extend the contract and they were more than happy to, but the big CEO of Beacon Hills Police isn't budging. You know he was really hesitant for me to come here anyways." He says, tears coming to his eyes as well.

You see, this move hasn't only affected me. My Dad has never been happier. He loves his job, he doesn't do the long stressful hours that he did in Beacon Hills. He has also made really good friends here, including Zara and Sophia's parents.

"God, I never liked that man," I say making him chuckle slightly.

"Don't worry nobody does." He says.

"When do we leave?" I ask, wiping a tear from my face.

"On Saturday. I bit more notice than last time." He says sending me a smile. I chuckle briefly remember us leaving Beacon Hills to come live here. My home.

It's funny how at the start of this all Beacon Hills was my home, but now it's here.

I run my hands through my hair, comforting me a bit. Okay, so I have two full days to pack and say goodbye.

"Okay, I'll start packing then," I say getting up, not before giving my Dad a huge hug.

I make my way to my room and start looking at my room. I love it so much, more than my one at Beacon Hills. I loved how the afternoon sun would shine through it making my room light up. I start to cry softly thinking about leaving my two best-friends.

I hear a knock on the front door making me stop for a second. I hear my Dad walking down the corridor to open it. I return to looking out the window, watching the sun slowly go down.

I am once again interrupted by the sounds of heels and heavy footsteps.

My door flies open to Zara all dressed up and Sophia in her Pyjamas. That would explain the footsteps.

"We came as soon as we heard Stiles," Zara says, tears in her eyes. I look between the two of them.

"Oh, Sti," Sophia says tears rushing down her face. I stand up and walk towards the two of them tears making their way out my eyes.

I hug them both as the three of us cry our hearts out, not processing the thought that we would ever be apart.


I wake up on my bed with Sophia laying on my right and Zara on my left. We must have fallen asleep on the floor, and Dad must have put us in bed. I smile at the thought. Although it's not the first time he's done that.

18 MonthsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora