Chapter 3 - To the Last Hour

Start from the beginning

"They're gone!" Gideon's voice carried through the broken window.

"Coming!" Cecily and Evan chorused, running down the steps, out the front door, down the stone steps, and into the Lightwood's carriage. Gideon helped the girls in before closing the door. Tatiana was taken to the Blackthorn's home in Kensington on their way home and while they started off on their way again, Gideon said "Will is never letting either of you out of the Institute again."

Cecily sniffed and looked out the window, avoiding Gabriel's eyes but Evan said, "Will can deal with it."

"You killed a demon?" Gabriel said, sounding rude.

Evan frowned at him, which hurt her cheek, "Yes. What of it? You do it all the time."

"You are a mundane."

"Yes, I am, thank you for noticing," Evan muttered, that's the third time today I've heard that.

Will was waiting outside of the Institute when they arrived. Jem and Tessa were in the music room, hiding out from Gabriel until Charlotte approved of Gabriel's loyalty. Cecily was the first one out of the carriage, practically skipping past Will - oh, now she's just showing off, Evan thought with narrowed eyes. Gideon offered her help, but she declined politely and jumped down by herself. Gabriel and Gideon went inside the Institute while Henry went to the carriage house to take care of the horses and the carriage.

"Evan!" Will met her halfway up the steps but Evan kept her eyes on his shoes. "I shouldn't have said that earlier," Will started but Evan laughed quietly, interrupting him.

"You're forgiven," Evan said, still without looking at his face.

"What's wrong?" Will demanded, his arm around her shoulders as they followed the Lightwoods into the Institute.

"Nothing really," Evan said, "I just need to go to the infirmary for that stuff Charlotte asked the Silent Brothers for -"

Will was kneeling in front of her before she'd gotten the words out. The door slammed shut behind them and Will's blue eyes were as wide as saucers. "Evan," Will started, touching her cheek carefully.

"I am fine," Evan insisted. "I just hurt. Can we go now?"

Will all but carried her into the infirmary, gently pushing her back on a cot before running to get the slaves and herbs. Not long after, Jem and Tessa came in, too.

"By the Angel!" Jem said, his smiled dropping as he rushed to help Will. "Evan!"

"It wasn't that bad when I last saw you!" Tessa exclaimed, dropping to the cot next to Evan, helping her get her hair out of the way of her face, braiding it back again.

"You never should have come!" Will called from the other side of the room. "Steles and runes cannot help you - you could have died, Evan."

"I wouldn't go that far, William," Jem said evenly, returning with two damp cloths and a bowl of water. Evan winced as the damp cloth touched her cheek but held still, "I'm sorry."

"You're fine," Evan muttered, wincing again.

"Died, James." Will repeated, appearing at their side with an array of vials and jars. "Hold still, Evan."

Jem cleaned, Will applied and Tessa held her hand comfortingly, not complaining as Evan squeezed it. The burns looked worse than they were; easily dealt with and easy to sooth. The worst cut on Evan's face turned out to be the one of her cheekbone, likely to scar. Within an hour, Evan's only complaint was that she was hungry but she voiced none of it. She thanked Jem, Tessa and Will numerous times before Jem and Tessa took their leave, leaving her with a still-fuming Will.

When the infirmary door clicked shut, there was a moment's pause before Will kissed an uninjured part of her forehead, "Did you at least kill it?" He murmured.

Evan snorted a weak laugh, "Of course."

She felt Will's lips curve into a smile. "Despite what you may believe, being someone's responsibility is a good thing, fy nghariad."

"In the twenty first century, it sounds like you're calling someone a nuisance." Evan said without much fire.

"You are anything but," Will promised, indigo-blue eyes meeting dark blue. "Rwy'n dy garu di."

"Te quoque amo." Evan murmured in Latin. Then her eyes fluttered shut, her breath evened. "Will? I'm tired."

The herbs and salves were healing her skin fast, completely absorbed into her skin, when Will picked her up, one arm under her knees and the other under her back, quietly padding down the hall, managing to avoid even Sophie in the halls. Will set her on her bed, in her bedroom next to his own, and pulled her fuzzy blanket around her.

She should have changed out of her gear before falling asleep, but Will remembered the first time Henry and Thomas had taken him out into the city for his first official mission. It was before Jem had come to the Institute, when he was thirteen. He'd fallen asleep, in ruined gear, in the drawing room when Charlotte was telling Henry and himself about the Council meeting the next day.

WIll shook his head, a soft smile playing on his lips before silently exiting her room, shutting the door behind him. Evan was strong, Will reminded himself, she can take care of herself.

The rest of the day was slow. Gideon and Gabriel had bunked together, Jem and Tessa mostly stayed in the library or even the music room for sometime when Will joined them. Cecily had gone to the training room for a few hours before waking up Evan when she collapsed on her legs. "What was that for?" Evan yawned, moving over so Cecily, in her nightgown, could climb in the bed with her.

"You sleep too much." Cecily said, crawling under the covers with Evan when she realized she was laying on top of the comforter.

"I'm tired, I sleep when I'm tired." Evan defended. "What time is it?" Her face was blotchy, like she had spent the day rolling in a puppy pen and broke out in hives. There were deep scabs on her face - which was in the process of healing.

"Just before dinner."


"Charlotte asked Bridget to bring everyone up some sandwiches and tea."

"I love Bridget's sandwiches." Evan said randomly. "I have no idea why."

"You do?" Cecily asked, laying on her side to look at her.

Evan matched her position. "Yeah, I mean, the bread is hard but soft in the middle, the meat is never evenly cut - but they're the best sandwiches I've ever had in my life."

"It's a wonder my brother likes you so much," Cece teased. "You're so weird."

"Why, thank you, Miss Herondale." Evan said flamboyantly.

"You are very welcome, Miss DeLuca." Cecily mocked.  

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