Chapter 17 - In Dreams

Start from the beginning

"Much better," Will sighed contently. "I can feel my back healing now. I will, however, be sore for a few days."

"Maybe that will keep you from going to bars and doing stupid things for a few days," Evan said lightly, knowing full well that Will had never actually been to a bar in his entire life.

Will snorted. "Perhaps." He was tired, Evan knew that, and the painkilling runes seemed to have the same effect painkilling drugs had. "Will you stay with me, Evan?" Will breathed, his hand enveloping hers. He was almost asleep by then, Evan knew, and if she wanted to, she could leave any time.

"I'm right here," Evan found herself saying. "I won't go anywhere."

"Promise?" Will murmured, hooking his pinkie with hers.

"I promise." Evan said.

Dear Miss Cecily Herondale,

I'm writing to you as my second letter. If you decide, leave as soon as you can after receiving this. Please tell no one that I wrote to you, and please come as quickly as you can.

Thank you,

Evan DeLuca

Late that evening, Will woke with Evan in the same seat at his bedside. Her head was resting uncomfortably on her shoulder, her knees tucked to her chest, and their fingers entwined, just as Will remembered as he fell in and out of sleep. On the bedside table, however, was a note addressed to himself and Evan. Will sat up, keeping the sheet around his waist and - regrettably - letting go of Evan's hand to sit up.

16 Cheyne Walk

There was nothing more to the note, but it was clearly from Magnus. Will hurried to get dressed in the bedclothes Jem had left for him before unsteadily getting out of bed. Gently, he woke Evan, who almost immediately tried to get him to lie down again.

"Get dressed," Will said, brushing away her concern. "Magnus summoned us."

Evan nodded and they made their way to their rooms, passing Jem on the way. Evan went ahead, smiling lightly to Jem but Will explained that they were going for a walk - Jem only told him to be careful and then smiled for Will - wishing him luck as though he knew Will needed it.

Evan met him outside her room in one of her dressed from 2020. It was a black floor-length dress with long sleeves. The skirt was flowy and could almost pass as a day dress in 1878 other than the fact that it had no volume. Over it, she wore a thick sweater that Evan liked to wear for more formal events, Will had learned, along with boots from Jessamine. Her hair was down, pulled over her left shoulder as she followed Will to the front of the Institute, pulling her sweater over her fingers. It was a warm outfit, but the chill air of London made Will want to offer her his jacket, too.

Instead, he laced their fingers together as they walked. They walked quickly but not at an unmanageable pace for Evan.

"Will," Evan asked as they turned on to Cheyne Walk. "Do you think he found it?"

"I -" Will faltered slightly. "I gave him the tooth from the demon I chased the night of Benedict's party."

Evan gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.

Later that evening, after Evan discreetly passed Magnus one more letter for Cecily Herondale, Evan and Will found themselves in Woosley Scott's brother's old bedroom while Magnus magicked the furniture away and drew a pentagram. There had been no introductions for Evan to Magnus, but it hardly mattered. Will's grip on Evan's hand tightened with each of Magnus's chant and summoned the demon that Evan knew enough of to hate with a deep passion.

As the pentagram glowed and the demon appeared, is spiked tail swishing from side to side. It's eyes flickering to each person in the room before hissing "Who summons the demon Marbas?"

Magnus jerked his chin for Will to speak.

He took a step forward, releasing Evan's hand. "You don't remember me?"

"I remember you." Marbas growled. "You chased me through the grounds of the Lightwood country house. You tore out one of my teeth. I tasted your blood. When I escape this pentagram, I will taste it again, Nephilim."

"Will is right," Magnus said coldly. "Marbas, you are a blue-skinned bastard. Burn and die!"

Will fell to his knees, Evan at his side instantly. "Will," She said, hesitantly putting her hand on his cheek. "Will, I am so sorry."

"All the lying the pushing people away, the abandonment of my family, all the unforgivable things I've said and done - a waste. A bloody waste, and all because of a lie I was stupid enough to believe." Will croaked, letting his head fall on Evan's shoulder.

Magnus didn't say anything, just looking at the two with an interesting look on his face. Evan let him lean on her, brushing his hair back out of his eyes as he looked up at her.

Strange, Magnus thought, how could she not see it? He is so painfully obvious.

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