Clockwork Prince - The Council Chamber

Start from the beginning

The Consul pursed his lips but nodded for her to come in. She set the photographs on the desk along with a shiny metal contraption with a wire attached to it. "And what are these?" Consul Wayland asked, though his surprise and suspicion was more than clear in his words.

Briefly, Evan explained each photo and some of the futuristic objects in each photo, answering questions along the way. Until she got to the metal thing. "This is called an iPod," Evan said. "It's an old model - from two thousand ten-ish. It was my older brother's, I found it buried under my other photos this morning. These wires are called headphones. They go in your ears so you can listen to music without disturbing anyone. This iPod can hold roughly four gigabytes - mostly music, a few movies. I don't know it it's charged or not but if it's not, I know how to charge it using oranges...." Evan trialed off, pressing a button on the device. The glass part lit up. "This screen shows your options. Here," Evan took out the wire, using the pad to 'scroll' (as she put it) through the selections.

Henry's eyes were light with excitement, the Consul was just as impressed - and convinced. Charlotte was fascinated; as much as she wanted to trust Evan, she didn't have much to go on until now.

"Okay," Evan looked relieved. "Here, I found a classical piece..." Evan pressed another button and a piano composition played from the speaker. "This piece by Debussy was - will be - composed in eighteen ninety. But if I were to go to something more recent..." Evan clicked another button and a very different kind of music that sounded like lots of banging and screaming, Charlotte cringed. "This is called Highway to Hell," Evan said, "By a hard-rock band called AC/DC." Evan pressed another button and the 'music' stopped all together. "I have a series of books that I can show you as well, they were written in nineteen ninety seven and carried on for ten years."

Consul Wayland studied Evan for a long time before saying, "I believe that there is enough proof to be able to show the rest of the Council, Miss DeLuca, please follow me. Charlotte, Henry, the discussion about the Magister will take place immediately after." Consul Wayland moved ahead but Evan lingered a little.

"Mrs. Branwell," Evan said lowly, "Do you want me to tell them what I know about Axel Mortmain or would you like me to not say anything?"

"If the subject comes up," Charlotte said in an equally low voice, "Please do mention it. Otherwise, I will tell them myself. Thank you so much, Evan."

"No problem," Evan huffed, moving to follow the Consul before he got too suspicious, muttering "Next time I'm wearing jeans - I don't care what Jessamine says."

"Evan told me," Henry said as she left, "That there is a popular word to describe her personality. Spunk. It means courage and determination, she said, often used in describing outgoing people."

"Well," Charlotte said, looking after her, "She's definitely outgoing."

"Do you think, Lottie, that she will allow me to examine the eye-pod later?" Henry asked wistfully as they left the room, going to find their seats in the Council chambers.

"Of course," Evan said, passing by them to move to the dias. "Later today, is that okay?"

Henry nodded enthusiastically, before - Charlotte noticed - he remembered why they were here and sombered. Tentatively, he reached to put his hand over Charlotte's laced hands. "I'm sure everything will work out, Charlotte darling."

"I do hope so, Henry," Charlotte said, pleasantly surprised.

"What is your full name, Miss DeLuca?" Inquisitor Whitelaw asked as the room quieted.

"Charlotte-Evangeline Ginevera DeLuca." Evan answered, glancing around the room to see that the only faces she recognized was still only Charlotte's and Henry's. The back of her neck was wet, but she couldn't tell if it was because her thick hair hadn't dried all the way or if it was sweat, though, she suspected the latter.

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