10 ◇Sweet Dreams◇

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Jimin's POV

"Jiminie, how's your new school going?"

My mother's gentle voice brought a small smile on my lips, the phone squeezed between my ear and my shoulder to keep my hands free.

"I really like it here." I stared at the math book in front of me absently. I had to do my math homework but I was more than happy to take a break as my mother had called me.

"Did... did you find any friends?" My mother asked hesitantly and I could imagine her biting her lips just by the tone of her voice.

Memories of the time with Taehyung and Hoseok replayed in my head, eating ice cream, playing computer games, laughing together at the most ridiculous things like the habit of Hoseok that everytime he drank something, he would raise his pinky finger unconsciously.

"Yes mom, I did! I told you a change of school was a good idea. Though not all people are the friendliest, most of them treat me nicely since they don't know about my other side."

Well, not all.

"Wait, wait a minute Jiminie. Oh, where are the tissues?"

Rattling sounds were coming from the other side of the line and I sighed softly. My mom was crying again.

"Ah, found them! Sorry darling, I'm just so happy for you", my mother sniffled and chuckled at the same time, "Do you know how long I waited for this?"

"Yeah mom, but please stop crying." I didn't mean to sound annoyed but the math book in front of me kept reminding me that I still had to solve those freaking difficult math problems which made me want to slam my head on the wall because I didn't understand anything.

"So who's the lucky one? What's his name?" Her sniffling had stopped and she sounded like one of those excited teenage girls who couldn't wait to hear the name of their best friends' new lover.

"Mom, you sound like I'm going to marry them!"

"Them? So you found more than one friend? Oh my god, I'm so proud of you Jiminie! Tell mommy more about them."

"So, there's Kim Taehyung who acts like he's dumb, but is actually really smart and Jung Hoseok who's literally a sunshine and Jeon-" Wait.

Did Jungkook count as my friend?

"And who?"

I was right about to answer her but the loud slam of an opening door caused the phone in my hands to slip off my hands and fall on the grey carpet.

"Jimin help me, I don't understand this shit of math problems!"
Taehyung stomped into the room and let himself fall on my chair as he opened the text book in his hands.

"Jimin? What happened? Are you okay?" My mother's voice came from the phone on the floor. With a quick move, the phone was back on my ear to explain the situation to my mother.

"Yes, I'm alright mom. Tae just came over 'cause we still have to do our homework." I mumbled while I was busy eyeing Taehyung how he furrowed his brows as he read out a math problem from the book.

"Oh, then I don't want to disturb you and your friend. We can talk tomorrow again, my darling." My mother laughed and made a kissing sound. Did she just kiss her phone?

Taehyung turned to me with a totally lost expression as I ended the call and placed my phone on my nightstand.

"These questions are like the ones in first grade where a man wants to buy about 89 melons and we're supposed to calculate if he has enough money for all the melons. Totally illogical and unrealistic."

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