6 ◇Save me◇

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I started to smile as I breathed in the fresh scent of the meadow we were walking on. I already loved camping.

Mr. Song stopped walking and turned to us, clapping his hands.
"I'll go to the manager of the camping place to tell we just arrived. Please wait here for me, we still don't know which tents are our rented ones so don't try to go in in one of them."

Everyone nodded and began chattering with their friends so I looked around for Tae and Hoseok.
Suddenly there was a hand on my shoulder and I turned around, seeing the wide smiles of my friends.

"Hey, we missed you Jimin! Where were you? We didn't see you in the bus." Taehyung said while he put his arm around my shoulder.

"I was a little late because I spent too much time in front of my closet. I was searching for you but there was this little incident and when I finally found your seats there was already this other guy sitting beside you so-"
I started to pour out but Hoseok interrupted me with a frown.

"Wait, what incident?"

"Well, I accidentally pushed the disgusting guy on the floor because I tripped at the entrance of the bus."
I laughed a little but they continued to frown.

"Disgusting guy?"

"Yeah, I don't know his name but I think his mouth produces a little bit too much saliva and my face was a little wet after he threatened me so I call him like that." I shrugged and their eyes became bigger.

"He threatened you?!" Both of them let out in sync.

"He said I would pay for making him fall on the ground and afterwards he sat himself on the rearmost seat."
I didn't know if I should take his words seriously. Would he really do something to me?

Now their eyes were about to leave their eye sockets as Taehyung packed my shoulders and stared at me seriously. Their behaviour was making me nervous too. Did they know the guy I was talking about?

"Jimin, I'm so sorry we didn't notice the incident on the bus, from now on we won't leave your side anymore so nothing will happen to you. Maybe he'll forget about it? Just don't try to go alone somewhere okay?" Taehyung looked at me like a caring mother and smiled a little.

"Taehyung, who is this guy and why are you so afraid of him?"
Was this guy that dangerous that I should be afraid to be alone for a second?

"There's just one guy who always claims the seat at the very back for himself. He's known to be very unscrupulous and is very ruthless in dealing with people. Especially when you do something to him that hurts his pride like how you made him fall." Taehyung sighed while he ran his hand through his hair.

"His name is Yoongi. Min Yoongi." Hoseok added.

So Yoongi was something like the untouchable king of the school who treated people like he wanted.
Slowly, I started to have worries too.
I should really try to avoid him and any of his friends in the future.

"Woah, he sounds really savage." I muttered as we saw how Mr Song was strolling back to us.

"Just don't leave our side." Taehyung whispered before Mr. Song clapped his hands again and began to speak.

"These tents are going to be ours, you can choose tents now and put your bags in them. For the toilets you have to walk a little, they're in the white house there", he pointed at a little house in front of us.
"But remember this is part of my lesson and since I'm your english teacher this whole process will run with speaking only in english."

"We have to speak english a whole day long?!" Someone complained from the back.

"Not the whole day, I meant only the time you're choosing your tent. You all had English lessons for such a long time now, I think you should be able to communicate with each other."

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