2 ◇Cold Gold◇

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"Armin, take his hand already! He's about to get eaten!"

I grabbed my laptop and leaned my face close to the display as if I could speak through it.

"No, no, no Eren, fighting! Don't get

Knock Knock Knock
Knock Knock Knock

I sighed.
That could only be Taehyung, he always made the same rhythm
when he knocked on doors.

I paused the anime and put my laptop on the table. It was one of my favourites, Attack on Titan, I already watched it about 3465 times, still I got excited over the same scenes.
My only excitement in life.

I looked at my white door. Should I open it? No, I didn't have the nerves to talk to him right now. He certainly wanted to play football or tennis with me and would keep talking about dogs or whatever the mind of this kid was full of.

Maybe he would just walk away when I didn't respond. Maybe I should just ignore him. He would think that I wasn't in the room and would walk away. Yep, so simple.

Knock Knock Knock

I stood up in annoyance as the knocking didn't want to stop and walked towards the door.
As I was right about to open the door, suddenly Taehyung himself opened it and nearly slapped my face.
"What the-"

"Hey Jungkook!" He gave me an innocent smile, ignoring that he almost broke my nose.

For a moment I thought about shutting the door in front of him
but he was faster and placed his food at the entrance.

"When will you get tired of watching the same anime over and over?", he asked while gazing to my laptop and leaned himself on my doorframe with crossed arms.

"Taehyung, what do you want?" The annoyance in my voice was more than obvious but either he was to dumb to hear it or he ignored it because he still kept his wide smile.
I wondered how it was possible to have so much happiness in one person. Too much when you ask me.

"I'm trying to get you out of your room! You're literally twenty-for-seven in your room, watching the same anime series again and again. You're really lucky you have no roommate, otherwise it would be different, your room wouldn't be that grey and dead. Yeah, maybe I should move to your room."
Oh please god, don't let that happen.

He was about to go in my room but I held him back.
"No thanks, I'm rather alone in my grey and dead room than sharing it with someone who's so loud, I can't even hear myself thinking."

It was true, Taehyung or short Tae, how many of the students called him, was known as one of the most loudest students at the school, along with Hoseok who was the sunshine in person.

Taehyung was always happy, friendly to everyone and got mad rarely but what I didn't like was, he always tried to socialize me more by bringing me out of my room.
But I doubt that was possible,
my room was like my best friend.

"But then you have to go out and eat ice cream with me." He pouted and held his hand out for me.

Well, I had to admit, I really wanted ice cream right now and I knew Taehyung wouldn't give up forcing me to it. Aish, this kid was so stubborn.

I sighed the 87th time today and mumbled something like: "Ok but we're only going to the ice cream parlour"

I wanted to go out of my room but he stopped me grabbing my shoulder and gazing down to my clothes. "You really want to go out with this?" He raised one eyebrow and it looked like he was waiting for me to go back and change. I also looked down on me and the school uniform I was wearing. What was wrong with it?

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