I pop one of the pills and hand Zayn it along with the glass of water. He takes the pill and swallows it down with a gulp of water and then leans his head on my shoulder.

We sit like that until the soup is ready. When the soup is ready Louis places it down in front of us and Zayn leaves it a bit to cool down.

"Baby, I think it'll be cool enough now. Come on, eat up." I say and nudge him forward, towards the table a bit more.

He just groans and tries to hide his face back in the warmth of my shirt.

"Zayn, if you're not going to eat it then I'll spoon feed you like a baby, but you have to eat." I say and when I don't get a reply I sigh and take the spoon with soup and bring it towards his mouth.

He opens his mouth and eats it. I chuckle to myself thinking how he's been really clingy all day and now he wants me to feed him. He probably just likes the attention he's getting.

I continue to feed him until there's no more soup left and he says he's full. I pick him up and take him into the living room where he curls up on my lap and cuddles into my chest.

Lou comes in ten minutes later and Zayn takes the Ibruprofen he's brought for him. We continue to sit and watch Friends, a favourite of both of ours, until the phone rings.

It only rings a couple of times and Louis gets it. I hear him say 'hello' to the person on the other end and then he comes into the living room and tells Zayn that it's someone for him.

Zayn's POV

I take the phone off of Papa.



Zayn! Are you okay? I heard you threw up in English.

Justin! Yeah I've got a bit of a bug, but Dad and Papa are taking care of me.

That's good I was just phoning to see if you were okay. I missed you at lunch today.

Oh, I didn't really think anyone would miss me.

Of course they would! You always light up any room you walk into, and you have the best smile I've ever seen and your jokes are so funny. Everyone kind of felt lost with out you there, especially me.

Justin, stop!

I can practically see you blushing on the other end of the phone. But it's okay, it's cute.

You think it's cute?

Eh - um, yeah I do. I think you're cute.

I think you're cute too.

Cute? Me? Nah I'm more manly.

Oops, yeah sorry. You're very handsome.

That's more like it babe.


It just slipped out. I've got to go, Josh is calling me for dinner. I'll talk to you later though.

Okay, bye!

Bye babe, hope you feel better.

*end of phone convo*

Babe? He actually called me babe. And cute! And I called him handsome! I don't know where the sudden confidence came from but I'm glad that call happened, I think he knows I like him though.

"So who was on the phone Zee?" Dad asks coming back into the living room with Papa.

"Oh, Justin just called to make sure I was okay."

"Awww, that was awful nice of him." Papa says at the same time as Dad asks:

"Did he say anything else to you?"

I just rolled my eyes and told them I wanted to finish watching Friends. Dad came over to the couch and sat down beside me and allowed me to snuggle into him.

I'm definitely feeling better after that conversation.

Hey guys!

Just wanted to say thank you for 3K, and all the comments and votes.

If anyone has any prompts can you please send them in?

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Thanks guys!



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