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(Flashback in italics)

I rushed home after work  wanting to tell Vic about what had happened at the restaurant. I still didn't know how I felt about it. I could feel my body vibrating, but what was it from? What emotion was causing it? I knew if I told Vic I wouldn't have to think about it anymore, he would do it for me.

When I entered our crap apartment, the lust-filled noise of desperate, hungry moans hit me. It made me feel sick. Defiantly not something I wanted to hear right now. I was tired and confused, and needed a nap maybe. I didn't want to hear sex noises.

I made my way to my room, trying to block out the sounds I knew were coming from Vic's room. I nearly jumped out of my skin when I opened my door and found Aaron casually sat on my bed. I almost shed my skin because the fear was bigger than my body and was frantically trying to find a new one.

"W-what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Sarah wanted to see Vic, I wanted to see you." It was simple, and the words still managed to make my chest flutter. What was going on in there?

"Oh." I said. I wasn't really expecting this, but I wasn't at all about to deny the company. Aaron stood from my bed. It wasn't made and the clothes I wore last night were tangled in the sheets. I don't think he cared, but I still felt the need to apologize.

Aaron came to me where I still stood by my door. His hands fell to my body like a magnet. One of his hands rested flat on my chest until he used it to push me back so I was against the door. Aaron was smooth. He knew exactly what to do. I, on the other hand, was awkward and didn't really know how to work my body or even how to stand. I just let my limbs go dead in their place.

"I waited here for an hour," He said, bringing his face close to mine. His breath smelled like he had just brushed his teeth. I was swimming in mint, no, drowning in it.

"Sorry." I offered.

"You sure do like taking your time coming home, huh?" His lips were just over mine, but he didn't kiss me. How could he do this? it was getting tortuous. I could have kissed him myself, but my lips were also dead in their place. I would have to wait for him.

Aaron dropped his hand from my chest, letting it fall slow, just barely letting it touch me as it got to the top of my pants, and then he pulled it away from me completely. He was really the worst.

I wonder how this has happened? How had I gone so long with such little physical affection with a partner, to now this? It was like Aaron had flipped a switch in me and now I was like a lust-driven teenager.
But it wasn't like Aaron was my partner, he was just my...I don't know.

I thought about the fortune cookie that was in my pocket, the one that said love would be coming my way. Part of me thought logically, remembering that fortune cookies are a bunch of hocus pocus and there was no way a piece of paper slipped into an 'okay' cookie could determine my future.

But then there was the impractical, optimistic part of me that thought that I was destined to get that exact cookie. I didn't think I was in loved with Aaron or anything, but maybe I could be. Maybe I would be his boyfriend and one day I could fall in love with him. Maybe that cookie with its fortune that is burning a hole in my pocket was about him.

When I fell back into reality, Aaron was at my neck, kissing it and making my dead legs come back to life, just to fail me. I could feel myself sliding lower and lower against the door. I was useless.

"Am I your boyfriend?" I asked because I was awkward and I ask things at wrong times. So instead of moaning or something practical, I ask about our relationship.

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