Clockwork Angel - Awful Wonder

Start from the beginning

"It's hard to explain, sir," Sophie frowned once again, the scar on her face preventing her slightly. "There's a strangely dressed girl at the gates, looking up at the Institute."

"A mundane with the Sight?" Henry guessed, but there was a thoughtful look on his face. "Strangely dressed, you say. How so?"

"I'm not all that sure what she was wearing, sir."

Soon enough, all that obayed Charlotte's wishes were in the entrance hall, getting a slight briefing from Charlotte. Sophie politely stayed back, her hands clasped together.

"I was either going to send her away or invite her in," Charlotte says doubtfully, wondering if they should wait her out instead.

"Perhaps we should invite her in," Jem advised. "If she's a mundane with the Sight, then we could offer her employment or offer an explanation."

"I fear that she was sent here," Charlotte frowned, her hand on the door handle but it was very clear that she was struggling to make a decision. Charlotte's gaze went to Sophie. "Is there any glamours that you can tell or magic, Sophie?"

"No," Sophie shook her head. "No magic but she also might be a Downworlder, too."

"We are bound to protect Downworlders and mundanes," Henry said with a determined look on his face. Mortmain's position as the Magister shocked everyone into being more vigilant. "Perhaps we should take her to the Sanctuary, Charlotte darling."

"Will is talking to her," Tessa said, peering around the curtain to look out the window.

"He's back then," Charlotte muttered, unlocking the door. "Let's get this over with."

Everyone piled out of the Institute, Charlotte and Henry first then Jem with Tessa on his arm and Sophie last. The girl and Will were, indeed, talking. The girl was looking up at Will, her neck craning just as Will's was bowed to look at her. She couldn't have been taller than 4'11'' or 5 foot. Moving closer, Sophie could see the girl better.

The girl, with closer examination, was American. She had wide eyes, Sophie noticed, like Tessa, with eyes the same shade of blue as Will Herondale's. Her eyes were framed with thick curling eyelashes. Her nose was small, delicately so, with small pink lips that were softly curling even with the worried frown adorning her face. As Sophie noticed earlier, her and Jem had the same shade of silver hair but hers cascaded healthily down to her waist. Her bangs swept to the side, carefully styled, and hid one of her brilliant blue eyes while the other side of her hair was tucked nervously behind her ear that had several piercing from her lope to her cartilage with small diamond studs in some and delicate silver hoops in others. It was obvious that she was fit, as fit as any Shadowhunter girl would be at her age but there were no Marks upon her skin (which they could see much of) that indicated that she was anything more than mundane.

"Will!" Jem called, causing both of them to look over to them. The girl's eyes were rimmed with red and puffy, like she was crying earlier. "You're back!" Charlotte smiled kindly at the girl, whose eyes lowered to the cobblestones. "And this is...?"

"Evan," The girl looked up, her voice was quiet. "My name is Evan DeLuca."

"May I ask what you're doing here, Miss DeLuca?" Charlotte asked, her voice still kind.

"Miss DeLuca has an interesting story," Will said, his voice kinder than Sophie had ever heard. "Shall we move inside? It's going to rain."

"The year two thousand twenty." Charlotte repeated after Evan DeLuca finished her story.

"Yes, ma'am," Evan's voice was still small and everyone had to straining to be heard.

"And you have no idea how you got here?"

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