Chapter Seven

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-Kuro's POV-

Once we saw Misono lying there, with Mahiru shouting at us, I thought he was dead for sure. I turned to Lily in an instant, he was frozen. He had  obvious tears in his red eyes, Mahiru's uncle was on the phone to some emergency service.

We all kneeled over his body, well, Lily had given him his jacket (which was at least twice his size) and was picking him up. A few pedestrians had stopped to see what was going on, a few more rushed towards us, confused.

Misono was alive, but not yet conscious. I think the doctor said he had been knocked out.

It irked me that bit took Misono's father three hours to get to the hospital, considering the bar- I mean, tavern he was at, Was only thirty minutes away.

It was late, one in the morning I think, when we left the hospital, Lily had somehow convinced a nurse into letting him stay instead of his Dad.


-Lily's POV-

The chair next to his bed in the children's ward was somewhat comfortable, the situation was not.

I couldn't even look at him, I felt almost responsible.

He was not only beaten and had cuts all over his back, he was also sick. And we didn't even know what psychological trauma had occurred.

I closed my eyes for a split second.

"Is he asleep?" Somebody had said. I sighed from relief when I saw Mikuni standing in the room.

"Yeah, how'd you know he was here?" I whispered.

"Heard sirens, came to investigate. Saw you, him and those two. Followed the ambulance. Snuck in after a while." When he said that, I noticed Jeje in the shadows and gave a slight wave.

"Your Father was just here, you know?" Mikuni was lucky that he had avoided him.

"I know, I saw that asshole's shitty car leave."

I frowned.

"You really shouldn't talk about your Dad like that, Mikuni...." His eyes landed on Misono as I said that.

"I don't care, he betrayed my Mom, and she was your Mom too . It's all his fault.. " I didn't like the obvious anger in his voice.

"Mikuni, he did that to her over nine years ago, and you only left the house three years ago. Try and be less resentful, please."

"Either way, Jeje and I over here will leave before the nurse comes back. See you." He didn't take his eyes off his brother until he left with Jeje trailing behind him, I couldn't blame him.

At around three AM, I heard stirring from my left. I put my phone down and I saw Misono attempt to sit up, using his arms to lift himself. Only to fall down again.

My eyes were misty, I'd call the nurse later.

I stood up and tapped the top of his head, (his shoulder was injured) and his eyes struggled to open. At first he looked dazed, and then he fixed his gaze onto something.

"L-Lily...? Where am... I? Where- are they?" He only just managed to whisper, as if it took most of his strength.

I smiled, and hugged him. He winced from the pain in his ribs. 

"You're in the hospital, I'll go get a nurse." I turned to walk away, but he still looked confused.

"Don't l-leave me alone! Please!" He sounded frantic,  but his voice was still quiet.

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