How To Slay

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*How to be fun*

Have you ever been called boring or your not the person that everyone wants to hang around. Well that being said I have found some ways on how to be fun/outgoing.

1. This is an important step. BE YOURSELF!  Don't be that person that pretends to be someone else. Not everyone is going to like you!  

It doesn't matter if you have the nicest clothes in school/ even the ugliest pairs of shoes, all of you guys are going to get hate. You are going to find someone that hates you/dislikes you. That's why it's so important to love yourself because your never going to be someone else. You are BEAUTIFUL, INTELLIGENT, and WONDERFUL! 

Don't let anyone tell you different, and don't let those people bring you down. (If anyone needs anyone to talk to, please message me, I ain't gonna judge you)

2. Have you ever heard the saying "sit back and relax" well if you didn't I'm telling you now that you need to "sit back and relax" I don't know about you, but I would want to hang around people that I feel safe and comfortable with, people that make me feel good. Give compliments, Laugh alot, loosen up, just spread the good vibe lol.

3. Pay attention to your friends or whoever your chillin with

I'm pretty sure when your talking to your friends you want them to listen to you, Am I right?? When they're talking pay attention to what they're saying because if I'm talking and your not listening, what's the point of me talking to you to be honest. When you pay attention it shows that you care/ that your atleast listening. (eye contact yall)

4. Crack lots of jokes.

I'm a person that loves to laugh, if you can make me laugh I'll love you forever. I love a good laugh. 

Dance like a complete fool, pretending like you think you're the best dancer ever.Sing the words to your favorite embarrassing songDon't be afraid to tell a joke

5. Keep positive ( I made a chapter on this I think)

Explore, travel, have fun, meet new people, laugh,live cause it doesn't last forever! 

Author's note

Hey guys!!! I would like to say that I'm going to Washington D.C tomorrow as you may know I live in Canada. I'm excited and I hope you guys enjoy your day!

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