School - Chapter 7

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(A/N: Hey everyone! Did you like the little plot twist? It was fun to make and I'm pretty sure you all know what's gonna happen with it :3 Anyway here goes chapter 7 ^-^)

Frisk's P.O.V

Mine and Asriel's hands were intertwined while both Chara and him showed me around the school before class starts. The school seemed nice, I'm pretty sure i'd like to go here. Chara led us into the back of the school for the final part of the tour.

"And this is where you can hang or play some sports since its an open field!" Chara exclaimed pointing to a group of teens playing with a Soccer ball (OOR FOOTBALL IDK FOR YOU PEOPLE OUT THERE)

"Alright, so what's the next class?" I asked.

"Art!" Chara said. "And I'm sure I know you would love that class."

"Then what are we waiting for?!" I squealed heading towards the art room dragging both Asriel and Chara behind me.


"Hey Frisk, what'cha drawing?" Asriel asked resting his chin on my shoulder and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Just a little dog, nothing special..." I answered placing my pencil back down on the desk top.

"Well your certainly one of the best artists here and your not even a student yet."

"Yeah, well I'm not The Best and yes I'll ask Sa-- Uh... my guardian if I could enroll... yeah..." I answered back trying to cover up my mistake.

   "Hmm,  Alright." He answered back letting go of me. "So, What's the dog's name?"

   "I didn't really come up with one, it's just a drawing. I don't think about those things." I answered honesty, personally I never named any of my drawings nor thought of the concept either. I always just free hand did it, adding as I went on.

   "Well, what about... Axel?" Asriel suggested.

   "That's a nice name!" I practically squeaked.

   "Glad you like it." Asriel giggled.

   The bell rang just seconds after our little conversation causing all the other students to get up and rush out, art being the final period everyone was eager to get home. Chara then came rushing up to us.

   "If you enroll I hope you get the same classes as me and Azzy, we were lucky enough to get them!" Chara said, hopefully I do.


   "Thanks for walking me home Azzy, I'm very grateful." I thanked Asriel and planted a quick kiss on his cheek.

   "No problem babe, have a nice night." And with that he walked away waving to me and disappearing into the dark of the night.

   I smiled and walked up to the house, I unlocked the door and pushed it open softly. I had a nice day with them, we went shopping and played at the park, it was the most fun I've had in the longest time. We tricked some 11 years olds and pushed little kiddies on the swings, Oh how I love kids!

   I then threw myself onto the sofa being super tired from today's events. Eventually I fell asleep sprawled over the comfortable sofa.


(I'm sorry this is a sort chapter, I just really needed something to fill this because I told a lot of people I would update but life events got in the way of that, Deaths, Boyfriends and Crushes, Funerals 😞 and Transformice :3 but anyway hope you enjoyed this short chapter and I'll update soon.


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