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"Lauren!?" Dani yells running into Laurens room jumping on her bed

"Yes, Dani?" Lauren asked confused

"Okay, so I was out today with Amy at the mall. And some girl came up to us and told us how much she loved you" Dani says annoyed slightly

"Who?" Lauren asks

"I don't know but I told her that you were in a relationship. And that she needed to stop dreaming cause you and her would never happen" Dani says

Lauren rolls her eyes "Were you really jealous of someone who's probably just a fan?"

"Yes, I was. Because you are mine. No one else and people have to know" Dani says

"People can't know Dan. Incest is weird to people" Lauren says

"I know. But I'm actually happy when I get to call you mine" Dani says intertwining their fingers

"Dan, I am too but just not yet okay?" Lauren asks

"Okay, but we will eventually. Because I can't hide my feeling but for so long"

Dani Cimorelli One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now