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"Maybe we shouldn't be doing this" Katherine says pulling away from our kiss leaving me craving more.

"Maybe you over think things way to much" I say reattaching our lips but, soon leaving them just to kiss down her neck

"But, Dani. Lauren is gonna hate me so much." Katherine says

I pull away from Katherine "Who's gonna tell her? What she doesn't know won't kill her?"

"What about the other's? You and Lauren being together was like the happiest moments of their lives" she says

"I wasn't the happiest of mine. And you know that" I say

"I know. Lauren forced you to be with her. And every time I saw her force you to kiss her I just wanted to beat the living shit out of her" Katherine says

I giggle "You are very hot when you're mad"

"Dani can we worry about how to get you out of this controlling relationship Lauren is forcing you to be in" she says

I sigh "Katherine it doesn't even matter. I know you'll protect me but, you can't just enjoy the time we have together"

"I am enjoying it. But I worry about you. And I mean look at your lip. I know she did that. How long are you gonna lie to the others and keep letting Lauren hurt you?" She says

"She may have forced me into a relationship but, she doesn't hit me. She loves me. I don't love her back but, she loves me." I say

"Your feelings matter also Dani. You need to end things with her. I'm not going to watch you get hurt" Katherine says

"Why do you keep saying that? Lauren doesn't hit me. She doesn't  hurt me" I say standing up

"Why are lying for her?" Katherine says standing up grabbing me by my shoulders making me look at her "You love her, don't you?" I felt the tears coming down my face "Answer me! Do you love Lauren?!"

"Yes! Okay?! Of Course I do! But I want you!" I say crying

Katherine shook her head "If you are going to continue to be with Lauren and love her I can't be with like this" she says gathering her things

"Katherine?! Where are you going?!" I ask

"Leaving, I'm sorry Dani I love you but, I can't do this"

Dani Cimorelli One-Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें