Dani (Sorta Distina)

599 17 0

(Christina - 17
Lisa - 16
Lauren - 15
Katherine - 20
Amy - 18
Dani - 16)

Christina's POV

"She's not my girlfriend!" I yell at my sister Lisa.

"But you want her to be" Lisa says back

"No, I don't" I say even though it was a complete lie.

"Yeah, you do you get that look in your eyes whenever you see her" Lisa says

Just then, Lauren walks into my room great like I need my other sister teasing me about this "Hey, Christina your girlfriend is here"

Dani then walks into my room "Guys Christina and I aren't dating. And even if we were it would be a lot better then you Lisa. I'm pretty sure your boyfriend is gay." Dani says making me and Lauren laugh

"He isn't gay Danielle. And I'm about tired of you saying that" Lisa says

"Sure he isn't keep telling yourself that" Dani says

Lisa groans then, leaves. "Have fun but, not to much fun" Lauren says following Lisa

Dani shuts the door shaking her head "What are you doing here?" I ask

"Well, I thought I would come see one of my best friends" she says sitting on the opposite end of my bed

"Well, don't I feel lucky" I joke

She laughs "That and... My sisters are in town and I would rather not be home when Katherine and Amy fight"

"What were they even fighting about?" I ask

"I don't know. It happened like 3 years ago. And I'm so tired of them making me pick sides and when I side with Katherine. Amy gets made. I mean Katherine says its pointless to fight but Amy has to be right. I don't know. And my dad doesn't even notice anymore he's so drunk all the time he goes weeks without noticing my existence" she says

"I'm sorry Dani, I know you hate how much he drinks" I say

She was gonna say something but her phone started ringing.

She answered it "Katherine? What's wrong?" She asks "I'm at the Walkers house" "Yeah, I already know. I have been living their since you left" "Well, it got worse when you moved out and even worse when Amy left. Its like I don't exist" "No, don't" "Fine, see you then" she then hangs up

"What was that about?" I ask

"Katherine is coming over, and I would rather her not see me" she says

"Why? You look hot. I mean you grew up after 2 years" I say

"Well, I'm 16 and have like 3 tattoos and all of my cartridge pieced" she says

"Well the only one you can really see is the one on your wrist. The one on your shoulder is cover and so is the ankle one. As for the piercings she'll live" I say

"Thanks Christina, you're a good friend" she says hugging me

Yeah all I will ever be is a friend when I wish I was so much more. 

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