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Lisa's POV

"Dani, are you alright" I ask sitting beside her on my bed. Even though I know she isn't alright. Her Best Friend/ Other Half/ Sugar just told her that she hated her. And over what some boy. It was pretty dumb actually, Lauren liked this guy, she wasn't even dating him, but he kissed Dani. Dani didn't even like him or kiss back I saw the whole thing with my own two eyes.

"Yeah, I'm totally fine" she says wiping her eyes to stop the tears from falling down. Dani always tries to play tough guy even when she wants to curl up in a ball and cry.

"Dani, you can tell me if you aren't. I mean, Lauren said those uncalled for things and I'm sorry, but if your hurting you need to let it out" I say

"I'm fine!" She yells making me jump some "Could you just leave me alone for a little while" she asks me

I nod getting up and going down stairs "How is she?" Christina asks when I sit beside her on the couch.

"I don't know, she's not gonna cry in front of us if she is sad" I say

Just then, Lauren came inside. "What is wrong with you?" I ask

"Thanks for that welcome" she says

"Why did you tell her you hated her?"

"Because I do, I mean how come she gets the guy I like that's not fair" she says acting like a brat

"She doesn't want him" I say

"Well he wanted her and will never want me and its her fault" she says getting louder

I stand up and walk over to her "I have had enough, of you acting like a spoiled little brat. Do you know how many guys you went out with that Dani liked. Let's see Corey, Shawn, Jacob, Ryan, Travis need I continue. Point is Dani never told you she hated you. She just let you be happy even though it hurt her to see you with this guys" I say and Lauren looks down knowing she made a mistake

She was about to say something and we heard a crash upstairs. Well looked at each other racing up the stairs. Lauren was the first one up and in the room. I saw her stop and so did I

Lauren's POV

I stopped when I saw the room the way it was. I was a mess every thing was all over the floor. And Dani was in the middle of all of it. She was just standing there holding something. Hugging it to her chest she fell to knees crying. I immediately took my place by her side.

"Dani, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I don't hate you. I love you" I say know all this was because I had told her I hated her.

She looks up at me and her eyes where all red and teary. I wipe a few tears that were falling and my own started to form. Dani put the picture she was holding down and hugged me. "I didn't kiss him" she says

"I know" I say hugging her back soothing her. I hated they way she was. I hated seeing Dani cry. "I'm sorry, a million times. I love you so much and I should have never said any of those things" I whisper in her ear.

"I love you too" she whispers back

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