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"L-L-Leave me a-a-alone" Danielle stuttered out as she backed away from Lauren and her 'crew'

"Ma-Ma-Make me" Lauren teased then shoved Danielle making her land in a puddle of water. Her and her group of friends laughing and starting to walk away.

"Y-Y-You are g-g-gonna regret t-t-this some day" Danielle spat out.

"Ooo, I'm so scared" Lauren said laughing and walking away with her friends.

This was Danielle's everyday life. Lauren and her friends always made fun of her stutter. Out of everything, out of everyone. They chose her, to make fun of her stutter. And it wasn't as if her stutter was getting better. It was getting worse.

Danielle stood from the puddle and looked down at her drenched clothes "G-G-Great" Now she had to go home to her two sisters and they were bound to ask her why she was drenched.

Danielle started the dreadful walk home when, she walked in through the front door as she predicted her sister Katherine was in the living room and saw her drenched.

"Danielle? Why are you so soaked?" Katherine asked

"I-I f-f-fell" Danielle stuttered.

Katherine frowned she knew when Danielle was laying and she wondered why Danielle would lie about this.

But, before she could say anything Lisa interrupted. "Danielle?! Oh my gosh!? Who did this to you?!" Lisa ran over to Danielle to check for any bruises or scrap marks.

"I-I'm fine" Danielle says

"No, you aren't you are drenched in dirty water and you have scrap marks on your hands. Who did this? Was it that Lauren girl again?" Being the overprotective big sister she was.

"Lauren? I thought she stopped messing with her" Katherine asked. Katherine wasn't as close as Danielle and Lisa but, she still cared about the well being of her sister.

"No, just last week she busted Danielle's lip" Lisa says.

Danielle loved her sisters but, she hated how they treated her like a baby.

"I-I-It was a mis-mis-misunderstanding" Danielle says

"Danielle, you have to stand up to her. I talked to her parents and they obviously haven't done anything about it. So, you standing up to her is the only way" Katherine says

"Or I can find her and beat the living shit out of her" Lisa says

"Violence doesn't stop violence" Katherine says then walks to the bathroom to get Dani a towel and some ointment for the scarps on her palms

"Violence doesn't stop violence my ass" Lisa whispers

"I heard that" Katherine says

Making Danielle and Lisa laugh.

Dani Cimorelli One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now