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Amy's POV

Lets say you lost your sister the day she was born. Not to her dying but, to your parents giving her away because they couldn't afford a second child.

I did I miss her. I wish she was here. Having a little sister would have been great.

Sometimes imagine what she would have been like. If she would have like the same things I did or been the exact opposite. I imagine her short with brown hair and brown eyes. I'm meeting her today. And her adoptive family. I hope she likes me

"Amy, come help me set the table" I get off my bed and place my phone down heading to the kitchen. To help mom set the table.

"When will they be here mom?" I ask

"Any minute and Danielle's sister will be coming as well" Mom says

"Have you talked to her?" I ask

Mom nods "Her adoptive parents died in a car crash recently and that's why she is coming here"

I nod as I finish setting the table "I can go wait for them outside" I say and she nods

I go outside and open the door and see a car in the driveway "They aren't taking my spice away" a girl says hugging the taller one

"I'm just saying Lauren its her real family" who I'm guessing is there social worker or something says

"My only family is my sugar, Kevin" Who I'm guessing is Danielle say

"Dani, you and Lauren are going to be separated at some point. This woman is your mother and you will respect her" Kevin says and sees me an waves.

Dani looks at me and sort of smiles and waves. Oh gosh I hope she isn't always like that


Short I know.

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