"What's wrong?" Seeing that Legolas looked ahead Aragorn followed his gaze, and stared.

Guards of Mirkwood lay spread out, all blood on their necks. Arod lay further away.

Without saying anything Legolas slowly walked forward and kneeled down next to a blond elf.
Doing a blessing, he moved the hair and gasped. She had two holes in her neck. A vampire bite. Hearing Aragorn approach he quickly hid the bite behind her hair. As a healer Aragorn would quickly find it if he didn't.

"Legolas?" He said carefully and stopped behind his friend, not wanting to disturb his grief.

"I'm alright...just..." Legolas sighed. The loss of his guards was tough. He needed to get out of here now, but needed to do one more thing.

He walked over to Arod and kneeled down, gently laying a hand on his neck. He had no vampire bite, but someone had sliced his neck with a knife.
He blessed him, before he rose and turned to a worried Aragorn. He smiled to calm him, and walked over to the nervous horses.

"We should leave."

Aragorn, feeling happy to, followed his friend and gently patted his horse to calm him. Mounting, he rode out of the forest, Legolas right behind.

Though, before they would exit the forest a cloaked figure showed up totally unexpected. Aragorn panicked tried to stop his horse, making them both tumble to the ground.


Legolas jumped off his horse in action and draw his bow, aiming at the cloaked figure.
Aragorn unsteady rose and stumbled to stand beside Legolas, blood was pouring out of a hole in his leg.
He didn't have his sword with him, so he was defends less. Brego quickly fled, leaving them with only one horse.

"Who are you?" Legolas asked and gripped his bow tight. This was the same person who stopped him he other day, but he wouldn't tell Aragorn that.

"What? Don't remember me?"

Aragorn looked at Legolas in confusion.
"You know him?"

"No he..." Legolas sighed.
"He killed my horse and my guards."

Aragorn eyes widen and the person laugh.

"Yes it was fun, and now I smell you're bleeding. But calm down, I'm not hung..."

Before he could finish Legolas shot an arrow, which pierced the persons chest.
Sighing in annoyance, the person pulled it out and trowed it back without a grimace of pain. You couldn't see any blood as the cloak was too dark.

Aragorn gaped and Legolas frowned. Legolas now knew this was a vampire.

"Heals wounds faster."

The person laugh, making Legolas and Aragorn cringe at the sound.

"Aragorn...leave." Legolas whispered through knitted teeth. He knew he wouldn't but he needed to try.

"No." Aragorn said, shocked Legolas would ask.

"Aragorn." Legolas said sterner.
"You can't defend yourself! Go."

"No." Aragorn said sterner.
"You can't kill him apparently! I don't know how but the arrow didn't seem to harm him."

"It's true." The person said, and smirked under the cloak.

Legolas felt a chill go down his spine.
Aragorn frowned.

"But I won't hurt you now. I leave Legolas to explain it all to you." You could hear the smirk more than see it. He turned around, and was gone in the blink of an eye.

Aragorn turned to Legolas, who lowered his bow hesitating.

"We should leave." Legolas said and mounted his horse. Aragorn looked around for Brego, to realise he had fled.


The man looked up, and saw Legolas sitting as much forward in the saddle as he could. He took a deep breath and mounted behind Legolas, and they began their ride home.

Aragorn tried to keep his breathing calm as he felt the horse's movements underneath him. His groin moved against Legolas and he forged himself to think of something else.

"Who was he?"

Legolas hesitated, before he signed.
"He was a very old elf. He had great healing ability."

Aragorn frowned and leaned to the side to see Legolas.

"I know you're lying. I grew up with elves."

Legolas bit his lip before he looked back at his friend.
"Just believe me Aragorn. I won't let anything happen to you."

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