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Because Demeter can't interview herself, Nike is here to save the day! *does superman pose*

Demeter: . . . weirdo

1. What sterotypical guy do you fall for?

*straight face* Azns. *giggle* Either Asians or tanned (local) guys.

2. What's one Personality & Physical trait that your future boyfriend must have?

Personality wise, he has to be funny. *straight face* If he's not funny... *shakes head*

Phyiscal trait? I mean, I really don't care if he's muscular or not, but he has to be at least slim. And not overly muscular, like steroid-type muscular. That's so grosss *flails arms*

3. Dream date?

*plays with phone* mm... uhhh.... It would have to be something, like, romantic... Just something creative and really cheesy. I like cute, cheesy things like that. Like a picnic on a beach... or a walk in the park, something cute.

*Nike gags*

Oh shut up, Nike. 

4. Favorite Band&Song&Artist?

Ohmygod! Are you serious? *facepalm* I don't listen to all asian stuff.

Nike: Surprise, surprise

Demeter: F*ck you! I mean, I do listen to asian songs and stuff... just not, like, totally obsessed... Favorite band... I don't have a favorite band... LMFAO maybe, if you count them as a band. Favorite song, currently... is... God Damn You're Beautiful by Chester See. Yes, Nike, he's asian, shut up. Favorite singer... is... either.... Chester See, Jason Chen or Victor King.


Demeter: Yes, King. That's his singer name. If you couldn't tell, I like YouTube and YouTube singers...

*Nike looks at her funny*

Leave me alone...

5. Favorite color?

 Blue! Like, a light blue.. its pretty

6. Favorite Animal?

Favorite animal... oh! Either a golden retriever or... I can't think of a name... OH! A border collie! *shakes Nike back and forth* *other god, Dionysus, makes joke toward Nike, Nike starts to violently pinch his cheeks and slap him*

7. Favorite food?

Ohmygod... I like food! I eat, like, a lot! Uhm... I would have to say Italian food or Asian (Japanese, Chinese, Korean, etc)... I really like Italian food, unless its a pesto cream sauce, I don't eat that sh*t. *flails arms* With Asian food... I prefer Chinese or Japanese, but I'll eat Korean if needed.

8. Favorite actor?

Okay... Favorite Good looking actor or actor that's good at acting?

Nike: Good looking. 

Demter: Okay... Good looking actor... either Chris Evans or Ryan Reynolds.

Nike: Yeah, Ryan Reynolds is pretty hot.

Demeter: Seee!!!!

9. Favorite movie & TV Show?

Favorite movie.. hm... I realize that I like a lot of series. Like, Harry Potter, Underworld, Lord of the Rings, Resident Evil, Fast & Furious... Most of those movies involve conflict or blood, I don't like gory or horror movies, but I like action movies. Action and comedy are my favorites.

TV show.. I'd have to say... um.. Glee, New Girl, um... oh, Rachel vs. Guy on Food Network... And Man vs. Food on the Travel channel... That dude is crazy, he ate a steak the size of a bike seat!

10. Favorite book?

Are you serious? Do you know how many books I read? Yet again... many series. Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod, Percy Jackson & The Olympians - which are ironically based around Greek Goddesses and Gods - go figure. 

That's all for now! Next up is Hera and last is Nike, after that, we will be taking questions about guys & relationships in general :) 

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