With a tired sigh I started on the trek to my home, using the same path I always used to get home, because I always woke up in the same place when I awakened in the forest. As I walked I tried untangle the leaves from hair, but just managed to entangle them more into my hair then they already were. I'd have to wait until I got home and took a shower before I would be able to get the leaves out of my hair. 

I tried to avoid sharp sticks as I walked, I never woke up with any shoes, and I didn't enjoy all the cuts on my feet when I had to go to school in just a couple short hours. My shoes always seemed to irritate them more than I thought was possible. I was glad when I finally reached the edge of the woods that boarded my back yard. I looked around the yard before making a sprint towards my house. Glad that nobody was out and about at this time in the morning, it would surely look like I was doing the walk of shame if anybody saw me like this. 

As I made it to my back porch I made quick work of climbing on to the railing and gripping the edge of the porch roof, and hoisting myself on to it. I made sure not to step on any loose shingles as I crossed the porch roof to my window. I was afraid my father hear the noise and figure out that I'd been out during the night. My bedroom window was open just a crack which allowed me to push it open, and slide myself through.

I landed on a silent heap, on the carpeted floor underneath my bedroom window. I wasn't as graceful getting back into my room, as I apparently was getting out. I managed not to make to much noise though. I pushed myself off the floor and hurried across the room to my dresser. Quickly grabbing a change of clothes, I changed into them and made my way downstairs to the kitchen.

I always made breakfast for my father in the morning before getting ready for school. He always got angry when he returned home from work if breakfast wasn't made for him in the morning. I managed to make him a quick breakfast of scrambled eggs and a couples pieces of buttered toast before he came downstairs. I dished the food on to a plate and set it on the counter, with a fork next to it. Then I headed back upstairs and to the bathroom. When I turned the light on in the bathroom, it was filled with fog, and the mirror was still clouded over. I could hear my father moving around in the room on the other side of the wall. He'd already showered and was now getting ready for work. 

I turned the shower on and stripped out of my clothes, and checked the water before climbing underneath the warm spray. I let it run over my body for a second, before setting to work on my hair. Trying to finish the job of untangling all the leaves from my hair. Three washes later, and the help of a comb to get all the tiny pieces of leaves, I climbed out of the shower with the scent of the forest no longer clinging to my skin. Grabbing my towel from the counter I wrapped it around myself, and headed across the hall to my room.

I grabbed a loose hanging top from my closet, and a pair of skinny jeans to go with it. I changed into the top and jeans before heading back to the bathroom to finish my morning routine, and heading back downstairs. The plate I'd put my father's food on was in the sink empty when I got downstairs. My father had already left for work, we made sure to never avoid each other the best we could. I grabbed an orange from the bowl on the counter and peeled before leaving my house, making sure to lock the door behind me as I started my walk to school.

I was glad when my school building came into sight, and I could make out my group of friends standing in front of the doors to the building. My group consisted of kids who had gone to school together since they were in pre-school, and when I'd moved to town I'd been accepted into there close-knit group of friends. Most of the group liked to hang out in every spare moment they had, they didn't like to be separated for very long, and I tended to like my moments of solitary which helped me distance myself from the group a little bit. I liked my moments to myself and they knew that, and they allowed me to enjoy those moments to myself, sometimes.

When The Wolves Call | #NaNoWriMo 2016Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu