The players were invited up to the top box where the Minister was standing (also where Lucy and all the rest of the group where) Bulgaria shuffled up to the top box gloomily and shook hands with the Minsiter. 

Krum didn't really want to be here. He looked like he wanted to die of shame. He just happened to glance up and see a group of red headed children, a bushy haired girl, the famous Harry Potter, a girl who was screaming for Ireland to look at her, a man who was looking everywhere but at the players and a girl stood in between the two red-headed twins. 

Krum suddenly wondered if the girl standing in between the twins went to Hogwarts. As that was where he would be going in a few weeks time... 

The players cleared from the box and after that so did the whole stadium, very gradually. When the whole group had made it outside Arthur Weasley pulled them to one side so they could make a plan of action. 

"Right, Weasleys, you''ll be going back to the tent. Professor Snape I assume you'll be going back to your tent" 

"That's correct" Snape replied no emotion in his voice 

"Can't Lucy and Shona come back to our tent for a bit?" Fred whined 

"Hello, Lucy" another voice said, Lucy spun around and saw Cedric...

"Hey, Cedric" Lucy said in a voice which was just about audible. Cedric showed his brilliant teeth at her then went back to his tent with his dad. 

"God that kid is annoying..." Fred muttered under his breath

"What's up, Fred?" Lucy asked

"Nothing...So like I was saying can't they come back to our tent?"

"If that's OK with Professor Snape" Arthur said as he turned to the man himself. 

"Very well but they better be back by six o'clock because I plan to leave by then"  

"Alright, lets go" 

"See you later, dad!" Lucy waved and the group went their seperate ways. Before checking that her dad had disappeared Lucy took Fred's hand and the two walked in front so they could find the tent. 

"It shouldn't be too far now" Hermione said from behind as Fred saw the tent, he raced towards it with Lucy and the whole group went inside (like the tent which Snape had it was bigger on the inside.)

Within minutes of the group arriving Fred, George and Shona had started an Ireland victory dance causing everyone else to laugh and then there was Ron going on about how much of a good quidditch player Krum was. 

"Krum's amazing! He simply is amazing!" Ron declared 

"I think you're in love, Ron!" Ginny teased poking him in the arm

"Shut up!" He grumbled but was drowned out by Fred and George's singing.  

"Viktor I love you!" George began 

"Viktor I do!" Fred added 

"When we're apart my heart beats only for you!" Lucy joined in. But then there were sudden yells outside of the tent as well as banging. 

"Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on!" Fred laughed 

"That doesn't sound like the Irish..." Shona gulped 

"Oh god...Shona!, We have to find my dad!" Lucy panicked 

"Why Snivels?" 

"Do you realise what could be out there?! Do you realise that Joshua Kingston could be out there!" 

Lucy Snape and the Return of Lord Zuc (Book Four)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя