"No way my Goddess, I'm your God and I demand something a bit more...fun." He grabbed my breast and I lost it.

I felt my fist collied with his cheek. Soon he hit the floor.

"Next time when I say no, fuck off." I hissed as I took my drink and walked away. People were staring at me but I could of cared less.

"Kenzie!" I turned to see a Stiles as an very old pilot costume. Great.

"Okay, the asshole had it coming!" I held my hands up in the air as defense.

"He did, I was going to say nice right hook." I just laughed as my right hand felt like I punched a wall.

"Kenzi. You okay?" I saw Lydia ask while the rest of his friends ran up with her.

"Yeah I'm fine. I should go." With that I walked away. I needed I've for my hand. Once I got in the kitchen I looked at my hand. I gasped.

There was no bruises. Not a single drop of blood. I've could of sworn I scratched it up! The hell?

"Kenzie." I turned to see Stiles without his ridiculous hat on.

"I'm good, just needed a few seconds." I lied. I felt my heart rate pick up from no scratches on my hand.

"Lydia is kicking that guy out. So he won't bother anyone else tonight." He walked up and looked at my hand.

"Wow, no bruises." He said with surprised lacing his voice.

"It's a miracle!" I said as I took another swing of the poison.

"Are you drunk?" I looked at him like he was crazy.

"I'm buzzed, why?" I asked.

"I don't know, you just look like your somewhere else." I was. I was somewhere in my mind hoping I could leave.

"Yeah, I think I need a ride home later." I said as I threw the empty bottle away. I felt Stiles eyes on me, in a concerned way of course.

"Stiles. I'm too sober to have this talk, let me drink more then you can take me home, okay?"

"Okay. And I was just going to say, the dress works on you." And he walked away. Then I felt like the biggest asshole in the world. I let out a cry of frustration and grabbed the open can of beer and drank it all. I needed that, a little to much.

~~~~Stiles POV~~~~

I knew Kenzie needed sometime alone but she didn't need to be an asshole.

"Where's Kenzie?" Scott asked. Of course he did.

"She needs sometime alone, before she punches someone else tonight." I said over the music.

"We have to go. Pack emergency meeting." He started to drag me out of the house with the rest of the pack following.

Soon as we were in my jeep I had to ask.

"What the hell is this one about?" I asks earning a glare from Scott.

"Derek and Peter found some evil looking ritual, need to all be there." He said as I took a turn left.

"Great, what a great night to started Halloween!" I said sarcastically as I hit the gas.

~~~~10 mins later~~~~

"What do you mean someone raise the dead?"

"It's only for one night. But I don't know..." Deaton said to himself. Great!

"So what's gonna happen?" Derek a asked as he picked up the black dust which was part of the 'dead' circle.

"So far. I don't know."

"We are now dealing with vengeful ghost. Great." Soon as Liam said that he and Kira were thrown across the area hitting the trees.

"Hello boys!" We turned to see the one and only, Allison's mom.

"We are all going die..." I said..

~~~~Kenzie's POV~~~~

I took another sip of the beer. It's been an half and hours since I snapped at Stiles.

"Aww...is the poor devil upset cause she told her boyfriend to F off?" I was about to say something snappy but as soon as I turned it was the girl that dropped her books at the mall.

"Oh screw you clumsy, for your information. I am drinking the world away."

"Well. Did you read my books?" She asked as she took a sip of a random drink on the table.

"Well you ran away so, yeah I sorta did." I grabbed another beer from the ice chest.

"Well, it was nothing. Except you're gonna die." I spit out the beer and gave her a look.

"What the?" I shuddered. No one just walks into a area and say, "You're going to die!"

"Well, part of you anyway. You see, your mom was willing to kill you. She's dead no duh, but more things are going to get the job done." One thought that went through my mind was, "You sick fuck!"

"You sick son of a bitch!" I snapped. My mom was a touchy subject, so was my past.

"I'm trying to warn you, people are going to try and hurt you." She said as she grabbed my hand.

"Okay, I've had way to much to drink, I get it. Here your books are upstairs. I'll get them." I said trying to shrug off what she said. Which wasn't working, at all.

"You need to get out of here. Go find Stiles." She grabbed my hand. It was so cold. That's when I got a good look at her. Her hair was brown with leaves and dust on it. Her skin was a sickly pale color, and her eyes were so dead.

"Oh my god! You're bleeding!" She had a hole in her stomach which was in fact pouring blood.

"It's part of my costume, now listen! Go upstairs and grab my books. Go find Stiles and give them to him, I don't have enough time."

"I'm so drunk!" I said as I stumbled away from her.

"Yes you are. Now go get the books and give them to Stiles. I'll drive." My drunken self went with it and ran upstairs to grab the bag full of dusty books.

Okay one more part to go!!!! This is a three parter so yayayayayayaya!!!!!!!! More parts will be coming soon! Thanks Angels!


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