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Mya's uncle Eric Taylor saw her being dragged to the hospital wing, this was a good opportunity for him
He saw a group of students chatting and approached them
"Hello, there... My name is Professor Hornby. I'll be your temporary potions teacher whilst Proffesor Snape is otherwise engaged" he smiled kindly
"So you will be our head of house then?" The blonde boy smirked
"Yes, that is correct" Eric grinned
"Names Draco, Draco Malfoy. This is Lavender, and that's Crabbe" he introduced
Eric nodded and smiled

"I hear a student here is having a baby..."
"Yeah, Mya Taylor. Don't like that girl one bit" Lavender smirked evilly
"Oh I'm sure she's a nice girl" Eric sighed, he was really enjoying the game
"She doesn't have any friends, apart from her puppy dog Weasley." Draco sneered
"Weasley?" Eric enquired
"Yeah one of the bloody twins... Fred" lavender rolled her eyes
"Ah I see... So I assume I will be seeing you all at the feast" he nodded curtly and walked away

'Fred Weasley' he thought to himself 'This will be so easy' he smirked

He didn't notice that Dumbledore overheard it all, he found Minerva and sent her to warm Severus. He needed to find Fred before it was too late
The old man moved swiftly as he headed down the hallways. He found Harry and informed him of the news
"Gods, this isn't good" Harry panicked
"Where is Fred?" Dumbledore pressed
"I have no idea, maybe up in the dorms... I will go and check" Harry said and ran as fast as he could

Fred was in the dorms, he heard a tapping at the window. He went to check what it was and found an owl with a note attached, he opened the note to read it


I'm at the astronomy tower, I need to get to the hospital wing
The baby is coming


Fred ran as fast as he could and headed out the castle doors.

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