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Fred and George went straight to Hagrids Hut and banged on the door
"Hagrid! Hagrid!" They shouted until the giant came to the door
"Bloomin' 'ell boys! Wos' goin' on? Wos 'appen?" The giant smiled
"Mya Taylor has ran away from the castle, is she here?" George asked
"No I ain' seen 'er since las' week I ain' boys, sorry bou' tha..." The giant said sadly
"Ok thanks Hagrid" Fred nodded and the boys ran off to search the black lake

Severus checked a lot of the forbidden forest and there was nothing, 'where is she?' He thought
He headed straight to the astronomy tower

Fred and George got to the black lake and they heard splashing around
"Mya!" Fred screamed as he saw a man holding her under the water
They ran towards the water as fast as they could
"Go find Snape George!" Fred ordered his brother and George ran off into the night
Fred grabbed his wand and cast a spell "STUPIFY!"
The man fell to the floor and he pulled Mya from the water
He checked her and she was unconscious but breathing
Suddenly he was hit from behind
"CRUCIO!" The man roared and Fred fell to the floor writhing in agony
And then it stopped
"You keep away from her or I'll kill you! She is none of your business" Laurence yelled pointing his wand at Fred
Fred got to his feet tried to raise his wand, he was rather unsteady

"Avada Kedavra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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