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Severus was reluctant to leave Mya's bedside but he knew it was about Weasley and he had to help in some way. He arrived at the office with Albus, Minerva was already inside as was Potter.
Albus had already told Severus about his plan as they walked from the hospital wing.
And Severus agreed it was a good idea.

"Mr Potter" Severus snarled at the boy
"Hello professor" Harry smiled wearily
"Lemon drop?" Albus offered Harry
"Can we get to the point Albus" Severus groaned

"Harry, Your friend Fred Weasley has used a killing curse on the father of Mya Taylor... Laurence Taylor was attempting to kill her, and Fred's life was also in danger..." Albus explained
"Fred? Oh... My" Harry could not believe it
"And to protect Fred from a life in Azkaban, we want you to take the blame" Severus drawled
"WHAT? But I didn't do anything!"

"We know that Harry, we are not telling the ministry that. Severus is going to inform The Dark lord that you killed the man, and that you would end up in Azkaban if the ministry found out"
The old man said plainly
"But why?" Harry insisted
"Because Voldemort doesn't want you to rot in Azkaban, he wants you dead by his own wand, as you are well aware Mr Potter!" Severus seethed

"Exactly, so Severus can convince him to make the death eaters take the blame for the murder, Voldemort wants nothing more than the fame, he would be proud to make yet another daily prophet front page" Albus grinned
"Well the death eaters have been around lately, what with Voldy moldy's return to find me"
Harry agreed before adding
"It does make sense, besides Voldemort couldn't hate me anymore than he already does anyway"
He laughed
Severus smiled at this.

"What I don't understand Professor, if you don't mind me asking is why do you want to help a Weasley...you hate them" Harry asked confused by his potions master
"Well, firstly potter I do mind you asking however I'm used to it from a dunderhead like you.... But if you must know, I owe that boy until the day I die"
Severus rose from his seat and left

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