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Severus POV

When I got home to my quarters Mya was sat with Fred Weasley on the sofa studying together
She glared at me as I entered the room
"You need to stop this my love" I told her as I bent down to kiss her
"No I don't need to stop anything, you are the one that banned me from DADA"
"Banned you from DADA? Why?" Fred asked looking confused
"Because Mya should not be taking part in that kind of thing at the moment, it's only temporary" Severus said plainly

"Severus I graduate soon, once I've graduated how can i resume lessons?"
"I will teach you, and you can still do the NEWT just a little later, stop being so hot headed" I snapped
"I don't get any of this..." Fred laughed

"Fine, I will explain, but this goes no further because it's early days and it's best to keep these things quiet at first" she told him and he nodded
"I'm pregnant, I have been since before the night down by the black lake, I only found out through tests in the hospital wing, I'm 4 months now"
"Wow, that's amazing! Congratulations!" Fred beamed he jumped up from the chair excited by the news

"And that's why I don't want her in DADA class" Severus explained
"Ohhh, yeah he's probably right about that to be fair"
"Fine, ok, I get it, I'll drop DADA" she sighed

I went to sit next to her and wrapped my arms around her
"Fred, you can go now" I nodded politely
"Oh, of course... Goodnight" he smiled as he made his way out

"I love you, and I love this little one, and I have to protect you both" I told her pulling up her t shirt and kissing her growing bump
"I understand" she smiled cuddling into my chest, she looked up at me with her naughty look in her eyes that I can't resist
I kissed her passionately and ran my hands over her, I took her hand and led her to bed

I made love to her and I went for a shower
And by the time I returned she was fast asleep, just a nude silhouette in the candle light
I wrapped my arms around her as I joined her and I brought the sheets up to cover her and keep her warm.

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