Chapter 43- Chains and knives

Start from the beginning

"N-no sir."

"So you won't comply?"

"No! I will comply s-sir" he smirks.

"Great! We will get along just fine" he stands and puts his hands behind his back walking back and forth slowly.

"So did you enjoy your 7 months in heaven?" I don't respond "did you?" I look down.

"Why? You don't care" I whisper.

"You're right... I don't" he laughs.

"THEN DONT ASK!" I scream in a flash he's in front of me gripping my neck.

"DO NOT DISRESPECT ME!" He roars in my face gripping my throat and lifting me up.

He slams me against the wall and I cry out in pain "please stop!"

"You will be punished!" He clicks his fingers and men walk in the room with tool boxes, I look at them from the corner of my eye and I gulp.

They set them on the ground and open them, one man hands him a knife with no emotion and I splutter trying to get air in my lungs.

How can people be so alive but so lifeless?

He brings the knife to my face but I stop him with my next words "w-would Luna April want this... Or my parents? T-they were your best friends, you w-were like a second father to Xavier and I" I whisper.

The knife loosens in his grip slightly "you were the one who killed them" he growls.

"N-no I wasn't, you were. You made me feel hopeless and guilty and depressed for ten years, blaming me for something you don't want to admit that was actually you."

He brings the knife to my cheek and puts pressure down, the blood oozes out and I pant "shut up."

I really need to stop talking...

"You should be punished for showing yourself to him in the first place... Yet letting your scent hit his nose, but your filthy scent covered the place; you will be receiving your punishment in about.... 1 second" I shake my head.

"Please" I plead "no don't do this" he shrugs.

"Too late" he digs the knife into my shoulder and I scream in pain.

"Stop please" I plead tears streaming down my face.

"How about never" he laughs.

He keeps the knife in my shoulder and clicks his fingers, they hand him another knife and I shake my head.

"Please... No more" I whisper.

He laughs and jams it in my shoulder and I scream in pain, he releases my neck and I drop to the floor harshly.

I grab the knife by the end about to pull it out but he grabs my hand before I can do anything.

"Get the chains" he orders and crosses his arms over his chest staring at me.

Three men scurry off and I look at him with a tear stained face "does it make you happy destroying others lives? I think April and my parents would hate you for everything that you've done to the innocent" I truthfully say.

He scowls and grabs scissors, he grabs my hand and my breathing becomes rapid and short.

"Your skin is looking a little....dry" he smirks "let me help you" he cuts a slice of my skin and I hiss out in pain fresh tears forming.

The pain in my shoulders is unbearable, blood soaking my clothes like a bubble bath; its stains my face mocking me of what he can do.

I never new I could feel this much pain...

The men comes back with the heavy steel chains, they hook them up to metal bars and hooks high on the wall.

"Hook her up" they grab me by the arms and I cry out in pain, the knifes moving in my arms.

"Wait" he says, he pulls out the knifes harshly and I Yelp "that's gonna take a while to heal, fast because you're werewolf but not fast enough."

They tie the metal chains around my wrists and hook them through the hooks, they pull the chains through so they can raise me high enough.

Alpha Jones grabs the two chains and pulls until my tippy toes are the only thing touching the ground, my arms straight in the air.

"your blood will drain out of your hands and arms, it's a slow process but worth watching you in pain" he grins.

"Why are you doing this?" He sighs.

"I don't need to answer your stupid questions Lily" my head droops to the ground from exhaustion.

"Look at me Lily" I look up slowly.

All of a sudden I'm coughing violently from his fist making contact with my stomach "that's for showing your self" he slaps me across the face "that's for letting him smell you" he jabs an already bloodied knife in my thigh "that's for leaving with him" he twists the scissors in my other thigh and I keep screaming in agony "that's for defying me" he punches me on my rib cage and I cry in pain.

It would be better if I was numb... It would be better if I was dead.

He grabs my head and slams it against the wall, my vision becomes blurry "that's for everything else" he hisses.

He tilts my chin up and pouts mocking me, I'm scared for what's going to come. Michael Jones never shows mercy, he's ruthless; he won't stop. Even if I'm dead.

"Have a lovely sleep!" He looks at the scissors and knife in my legs "they can stay so it will remind me of my duties tomorrow" he backs out slowly and smiles. "Goodnight, sleep tight" he closes the cell door and his guards lock it for him.

"W-why moon goddess, why?" I whimper in pain "it always has to be me, always."

The pain is unbearable, this is what I imagined death to feel like- no. This is way worse than death, this is foreplay.

My hands and arms have slowly lost the blood and they hurt so much, the tears fall one after another and I can't stop them.

I can't do anything about this, I wish I could but I can't and if I knew how then I would.

But I don't.

And I'm all alone hanging from a wall with lethal weapons in my thighs a deep cut engraved in my face, most of the blood drained from my arms and hands and with bruises on my stomach and a broken rib.


He srsy needs to die... I hate him, everyone hates him! My poor Lily, imagine how Luca feels; sorry I won't be doing Lucas pov for this depressing moment :(

It will just spoil everything if I make Lucas pov and say if he's found where she is and all that...

I'm sorry for a gruesome chapter but if you enjoyed it vote,comment, follow



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