Chapter 8 - New Life

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It's been two months since then. School was a bitch. I was bullied and tease a lot. Coby and David protect me and never leave me side at school. Then someone try to push me off the stairs. Thank god David he caught me before I fall. Him and Coby beat the shit out of them. Ever since then mom homeschool me. The guys still came over to see me. Their parents are deciding where to homeschool or not. I hope they do its get lonely in this house. And I was bored to death.

Deciding either to go back to sleep or get something. Food sounds more good than sleep right now. Getting up from the couch and cooking up some lunch. After eating I went to do homework with mom gave me. It was easy and get it done fast. Now bored again they guys can't come over till after 2. It was 1 now. Sighing I went to my room and go to sleep.

Never though this hard. Morning sickness came and go. My cravings is off the roof. I hurt all over and my feet swell. All want to do is sleep.

"Abby get up or I will tickle you."

"Coby I swear to god if you I will kick in the nuts."

"Better listen to her and besides a nap sounds good."

"Yeah it does."

We took a nap. It was around 3:30 when we woke up. Coby carry me downstairs since my feet hurt. David put on Criminal Minds. Laying on David shoulder while Coby warped his arm around my waist. I was glad that they were here. Wishing that could be here more.

"Guys did your parents gave you answer."

"Yeah and they say they didn't care unless your mom teaches us."

"For real."

"Yep me and David are telling the truth."

"I'm sure my mom doesn't care."

Thank you god. Now I have them here more. And I hope everything goes right.

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