3. Cousin or Father?

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Zayn's P.O.V:

When finally Tina let go she just whiped her lips and apologize then she turned around and walked towards Amelia who had started crying again, I can't leave it this way so I deicded to ask her what just had happened and why; but it didn't go the way I expected.

"Why? That kiss was wonderful but why did you kissed me?" I asked Tina, "that kiss wasn't ment to happen, sorry-", I interrupted her, "no don't be sorry it's ok I liked it, Loved it" I said and her face just changed dramaticly, "please forget that kiss, forget me, Zayn you deserve something much better than me, you deservea normal famous life, don't waste your life in caring for me or the baby, I kissed you to see if you were the one" Tina said taking Amelia in her arms, "Tina I won't forget you, or the kiss, because I wont forget all the love I feel for you, did you hear me tina...I LOVE YOU and I will love you forever and ever" I said taking her face in my hands but she pulled away, "bu-", "no shhhhh, I am the one? or you waste your kiss? am I the one? because I may tell you that YOU are the one for me" I said walking towards the door but stoped right before I opened it, "and that answer is all for you, save it" I said closing the door behind me.

I walked towards my room very upset because of Tina's reaction she just don't understad how much I love her, she's doing a big mistake in making me aside, I know it sounds so selfish but its so true she will regget it, WHY DON'T SHE UNDERSTAND THAT I LOVE HER?

"Hey Zayn management called and we gotta go now to rehearsals, so get ready" Liam said as in the past times oh how I like Liam telling me and not Lou not that I don't like Lou but is that Liam sais it better, "alright going!" I said from the room and going to the bathroom to fix my hair and change clothes, then I get to the van where only the guys were in, not the girls which is strange because there were no other vans or cars so if they weren't in this van they weren't going.

"Lou?" I asked him, "yea?" he said while he was playing so immaturely with Harry, "are the girls comming? well I can notice they are not... but why?" I asked him as the van started and the hotel got smaller and smaller each time, "some of them are sort of mad you could say so and that change their mind of coming with us, "mad? but they all took it very well exept for Tina" I said looking all the commentaries of tina's baby that have been posted, "well they aren't mad they just discovered that they don't feel the same for the one that they once loved" Lou said looking at his feet and his face was full of saddness, god I think things with Sophie aren't going that well, "Lou I am so sorry really I must haven't asked" I said giving him a man hug to resaure him, "it's ok, but it is hard to know that the woman that I loved for such a long time didn't loved me but "liam", it hurts" Lou said placing his hands over his face to stop the tears to be seen, "Lou is not your fault think of how many other fans and girls want you to be their boyfriend let go sophie maybe she wasn't the one" I said patting his back, "is not that easy..." Lou said getting out of the van and walking inside the building where the rehearsals would take place.

Louis's P.O.V:

I was happy in my room with Sophie watching a very romantic movie which led us to have sex, yea I know weird but we are weird.

I took Sophie's shirt leaving her in just her bra, she then took my pants off, with the time we were naked in the bed kissing each other, when I say kissing is not just the mouth trust me, I started getting very exited while I heard Sophie's mones.

"Lou do it now, please" Sophie said asking me to insert my d*ck, "ask him" I said moving my eyebrows she chuckled and took it in her hands and then started liking it like a lollipop until I was ready so I inserted it moving it up and down making Sophie moan each time more and more and louder and louder when I felt that I was in paradise I let it out and c*m but accidentally inside of her but just a bit the rest was out, "LOUIS, UH, LOU, FASTER" Sophie moaned, I did what she asked until we were done, "No stop, Lou I can't this is not ok, I'm not feeling so good as the first time we did it, Lou I don't feel the same for you" Sophie said getting up and putting fast her clothes again, "what why? what do you mean? is it me? Sophie... that hurt" I said to her sitting on the bed naked looking at her and her watery eyes, "Lou you are not the same as before we both know why and so I don't feel the same for you, I mean you changed and so my feelings for you did so too" Sophie said looking one more time at me and then leave the room, that leave me broken hearted like wow.

then I heard a knock at the door, "yea?" I asked putting some clothes on, "Lou we got to go to rehearsals now so get ready in 5" Liam said so I finished getting ready and walked towards the van and there I met the girls.

"Hey, aren't you coming girls?" I asked them, "not in the mood Lou sorry" Danika said giving me a weak smile I could see how Sophie tried to hide very dissimulating behind Kams so there I deduce that they where talking about what happened minutes ago and that I was disturbing their conversation, "oh ok it's alright have fun" I said walking fast to the van and started playing with Harry as in old times we used to but because of the switching of personalities we couldn't play like.

...once in rehearsals...

"Alright guys you know that we are going to released a new album right? so today I need you to perform in front of some public in someway they aren't that fans of you but you have to convince them to like you with the new songs ok? that way we would know how good the album will be" John said and opened the door revealing 3 girls about 16 years old and 2 guys of 17 which I honestly think they wont like at all this songs but I'll do my best to change that, the 5 adolescents sat down in front of us waiting to hear the songs, may admit that I was nervous.

We started with the Best Song Ever, the Story of my Life, Diana, Midnight Memories, and others.

"so what do you think?" John asked the public, "well I like them, the song as itself is really good all of them but some of the guys didn't had like so much enthusiasm so it got sometimes boring" one of the girls said, "yup the same" the other two said, "well I may admit this type of music is not the one I like the best but I think is good" the taller of the boys said and the other just nodded, "ok thank you guys you can go now" John said opening the door and pushing the guys out, "no wait, I have one last question, could I?" One girl asked, "ok" john said letting her in, "you what's your name?" the girl said pointing at me, "me? uh Louis..." I said confused because of the question, "you're the baby's father right?" she said showing me one magazine in which there was a picture of me carrying the baby with Tina hugging me and the text said: "Do you imagine having your cousin as your father? well that's Louis and Tina's daughter, Amelia, life" that shocked me I hate all those rumors, "what?! no that's not true the father is Facundo not me!" I exclaimed, "well tell that to rest of the world my friend"







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