1. Honesty

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Tina's P.O.V:


That for me shows what the person really is, how good one can be with others, being honest is showing to the rest all you can give, being honest with someone is caring for that person, is loving her.

But what happens with someone who isn't honest with me, because as you have notice I like people to be honest with me; and people who lie, hide things, and much more are people who doesn't love, care, who for me are people that don't exist that I can see sitting I front of me and I could sit on them as if they weren't there... I know rude, but is it as rude as lying? as hiding things? as not being honest with the ones you supposedly love and care? uh? think of it... I've been thinking a lot about it and I think that definitely to be honest there are many ways but to lie there's just one direction.

I think that my life is full of honest people but as always there are liars. Lets me remember you how my life was just minutes ago.

I was a normal girl of 18 years old, pregnant, I was on tour with One Direction and in love with Harry Styles, but about 5 minutes ago I get to know that all this time Harry wasn't acting as himself... he was acting as Zayn Malik other member of the band, have you seen that movie...how is it called? ah! yes, Freaky Friday, were the personalities are put on different bodies so they looked the same but acted as the other one? yes you understand? well exactly that thing was the one the guys from One Direction did, they switched personalities, they lied to me and to the other girls... LIARS.

But they leave me with a question.

Who am I in love with? since I was in love with Harry but Harry was acting as Zayn then I was in love with Zayn or with Harry?

The only one with the answer is me but maybe I'll need some help from the lads to get to that answer so I'll go straight for their help.

~~~~~~~~BACK TO REALITY~~~~~~~

They were all sitting in the living room to celebrate Amelia's birth, I was getting ready to go and celebrate with them, the thing is that I thought that it would be a good moment to get the answer to my question.

"Hey" I said sitting next to Sophie, "hey hey" some of them answered me the rest just wave their hands, "so lets start..." Kams said getting up, "um before we start with this reunion I want to ask a quick question" I said looking at everyone but specially at Pablo, "yea go on" Liam said, "who is who?" I asked everyone's faces were full of confusion so I reconstructed the question, "no wait let me re order it, who is acting as who?" I asked and all the guys faces were in shock and the girls faces were still confusion, "yea I mean as before the tour started, you guys switched personalities acting as other band member and not your true selfs then I'm confused of who's who?" I asked them I could hear more than one girl ask their boyfriend if it was true, "how did you know?" Naill asked me, "it doesn't matter just explain me why?" I asked him, "no better now answer me Who am I in Love With?" I asked but this time I asked Harry his face was a mix of shock, surprise, confused, don't know what to do, but specially sadness, "uh...uh...I don't know who are you in love with that's your decision isn't it?" He said looking nervously at Liam and the rest, "yea but as I still don't get all this I want to get to know what you think your point of view" I said, "well I th-" Harry was cut by Sophie, "wait wait wait what?!" Sophie said looking at Louis and taking her hand out of Louis', "uh Sophie let me explain you, it was a game-" I cut Lou off, "a game?! you think it is game lying to 5 girls for about a whole year! is it?" I asked him I was now shouting, "Tina calm down-", "never tell a girl to calm down, NEVER, get it Niall?" I asked him but didn't wait for an answer I kept on, "Lou you more than anyone know I hate liars, you know that with me one has to be totally honest, so why did you do this? you played with our feelings, you treat us as idiots, what did you think all this will end as? that we will just laugh at the end of this and say its ok? but we are not that type Louis we are women that fight for our rights, we are not Barbies for you to play with us the way you did" I said as I got up and walked out the room.

I closed the door of my room behind me as I throw myself in the bed to cry, I still didn't understand why they did that? I was so mad, sad, disappointed, preoccupied, I couldn't handle it more I had to talk to a girl, one that could help me, one that was going through the same problem, Rafif.

I was walking towards the door when suddenly Amelia started crying desperately I turned around and take Amelia in my arms and start revising her to see what she wanted then someone knocked at the door.

"Come in" I said as I changed Amelia's diaper, "are you ok?" Rafy asked me while she sat next to me in the bed, "sort of, I just can't understand why?" I explained her, "I know... it isn't okey to do what they did to us, they lied and used us, but I think that if you really wanna get to know why they did it you need to listen to them not freak out and shout and all that, because I think there is a reason more deeply than just a game" Rafy said playing with Amelia's hands as she looked at me, "yes you're right... but I think it would be tomorrow today is not my best day to be calmed" I said chuckling at the last part, "take your time sweetie but try thinking of it" she said leaving the room, she was right I should hear what they have to say but I'll analyze a bit more all this and then I'll talk to them.

I placed Amelia in her baby crab after giving her some food for her to get some sleep, I talked a little bit with Facu telling him how Amelia was doing I send him some other pictures were she had her eyes open and then I fall asleep.

Harry's P.O.V:

I always had that feeling of something wrong going on until it happened, I didn't want this to happen that's why I told Lou to stop the game but it was to late things had happened already and with that Tina deduced all of our game, I really loved her I didn't want her to end this hurt I Reyes my best to protect her but it wasn't enough she end as hurt as to say no more. One thing that call me pretty much my attention is the question she asked me, "who am I in love with?" that's a pretty good question it was the same I had, the same reason why the game was over, was she in love with me as Harry or with Zany's personality? and I really want to help her find that out.

Once she walked away from the reunion we kept discussing, but the problem was that the other girls hadn't deduce nothing of the game so they didn't know what we were talking about so we explained them all, even the parts were we had "mini conferences" were we discussed how our game was affecting the rest, some took it more calmly than others, but in general they all took it pretty well because they heard the whole story but as Tina just freaked out and got upset she didn't get to hear what really happened, but I'll wait for her to be more calmed so I can explain her all.

I waked slowly and quietly in mine's and Tina's room and saw her asleep on the bed with the clothes she was wearing for the reunion, she was with out blankets so I put on some blankets over her beautiful body, I checked on Amelia and went to the sofa and sleep there.



Hey hey!

So this is the first chapter to the sequel to "who am I in love with?" I hope you liked it really, I know it was a little bit confusing at the start but then you started relating it more with what happened with the first book.

I really really love you!

- Vale

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