4 months later!!!

12 0 0

[It has finally reached Sophie's due date and Jack and her have got together. Felix and her are officially divorced but have stayed friends.]

Sophie's P.O.V.

(Start song now)

I sat up in bed thinking about everything that has happened these past 4 months. Losing Felix, Marzia and Getting my gorgeous Jackaboy back. I finally met Mark (Jack's bestie) who wasn't happy with what Felix did either but hey we're all okay now so that is all that matters! Jack rolled over, noticed how nervous I was and gave me a kiss passionately on my lips. I then got up to go to the toilet and I suddenly felt this sudden wave of pain went over me and I started panicking. Before I even knew it, my waters broke all over the toilet floor. I screamed and Jack ran into the toilet and helped me up. Today's the day indeed :O

Jack's P.O.V.

Oh god, it's happening!! Oh Jack calm down... Call an ambulance FFS call someone!!!!!!!!!

I sat Sophie down on the sofa and called 999

(A/N here's the conversation; O means Operator and S is Jack)

O- 999, what's your emergency?

S- My girlfriend's waters just broke and I don't know what to do

O- Sir what's your girlfriends name?

S- Sophie Kjelbherg but her maiden name was Neil

O- Okay there's an ambulance on the way Mr?

S- McLoughlin, Sean McLoughlin

O- How is your girlfriend?

S- She is breathing very deeply but the pain isn't too bad

(There are knocks at the door and Jack says thank you and hangs up)

I opened the door to 2 ambulance people who came straight in to check on Sophie who by now was in tears because of how much pain she was in. I couldn't believe I was seeing this :O

 I couldn't believe I was seeing this :O

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I love you Part 2 of meeting PewDiePie (Smosh/PewDiePie/Jacksepticeye Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now