IPRIL'S big day!! (Ian and April)

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Quick authors note: I looked at my first book and... 150 VIEWS!!! Fucking insane, thank you guys so much. I can't tell you how much I do love you!!

Ian's P.O.V

Well today's the big day, Today April becomes a Hecox. Why am I so nervous? I found my Mrs. perfect and it's just in front of my family and friends. Everybody is in position:

Best Men: Felix and Anthony
Family that's coming: Mum, Dad, my sister.
Friends that are coming: Ken, Jack, Smosh Games Crew(Olivia, Mari, David, Matt, Jovenshire, Wes and Flitz) 

I just can't wait for this amazing event to happen to us.

April's P.O.V                   

Good morning world! Don't rain today,  okay?

Well here we are, the most Proudest and Important event ever... Mine and Ian's wedding day!! I'm so excited for this, I'll be around my family and friends.

SO! Here's who coming:
Bridesmaid of honer- Sophie
Bridesmaids- Kalel, Melanie, Katrina (My sister)
Friends who are coming- Zoella, Smosh Games Crew (Olivia, Mari, David, Matt, Jovenshire, Wes and Flitz) and Dan and Phil.
Family who are coming- Dad, Katrina, Nanny Sara and Aunty Susan.

The dresses look amazing, Mine is a traditional White with little pearls all over the bottom, Sophie has a Salmon pink bow on it that is similar to mine just smaller and the bridesmaids have Rose pink with a Fabric flower on the top. Today's going to be the best day of my life!!  

Sophie's P.O.V

I am nervous as fuck because i have to read a speech  out in front of 30 people- #Nerve racking!

The speech goes like this:

My, what a splendid day it is. Two of my Bestest friends getting married. I bet April never saw this coming after the tragic event of the death her mum. (I ask April, "Who was there your mother was ill in hospital? She should say me and Ian) Well I've only known Ian and Anthony for round about 1 year and 4 and a 1/2 months now but I've known April since we were little kids. Guess what? Nothings changed and it never will. I'll be by your side until the day I die. I know Ian won't stop loving you EVER and Will try to give you everything, Money, Clothes or whatever you need. The point of this speech is to congratulate them in life.
Short? I know but I am hoping Ian and April the best things in life and let them know that I'll always be there for them no matter what! Let's raise our glasses to Ian and April!

I think it's quite good if I do say myself, Well I better go and get the bride and the bridesmaids up now or there'll be no wedding at all.

Anthony's P.O.V
Is that bacon I smell?- It is! Well today's gonna be interesting with Felix, Sophie and I making speeches to read out loud to Ian and April's Family and friends. Me and Felix are doing a joint one which goes a little like this:

A: Firstly we want to describe how Me, Ian and Felix met.
F: We were all round about 18, all making some type of video in some sort of way.
A: Me and Ian were uploading a sketch we'd made when we came across this guy ( looks at Felix.)
A: We thought that he was a bit of an idiot at first but then found ourselves watching every one of his videos.
F: At this point I still had no idea who they were...
A: We E-mailed him and asked him to be in one of our videos which he gladly agreed to do and that's how Me and Ian met the energetic man you see before you.
F: Now let me describe how me, Ian and Anthony met April.
(Felix waves Ian over)
F: So my wife-Sophie, before we met, had won tickets to come and see me at Vidcon in Florida.
I: She came with April, My gorgeous wife, but they met Felix first
A: Then Ian who instantly fell in love with April
F: Then Anthony who found out April was his long lost cousin.
I : And that's how I met my beautiful wife
F&A: Congratulations to two of the best things that have happened to us.

Cute,Adorable and Sweet is what Kalel said she thought of it. I have to go wake Ian and Felix up then go get our suits on then head to the church.

Ian's P.O.V

*At church*

I was waiting what felt hours waiting for my amazing bride to come and say our vows 
of love, trust and life that will make us stay together for the rest of our lifes.

I looked at Anthony and said,
"Do you think Jake's gonna turn up like at Felix's wedding?"

Anthony says that he sincerely hopes not and honestly me to...

I love you Part 2 of meeting PewDiePie (Smosh/PewDiePie/Jacksepticeye Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now