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WARNING!! This chapter gets extremely sad very quickly so if you get upset about Cancer or death then DON'T read!

Sophie's P.O.V

[Sophie's friend Jane goes into a coma and has terminal cancer from an operation and Sophie is about find out that she didn't wake up...]

I am talking to April when My phone goes off and I let my gorgeous hubby answer it. I start explaining what married life is like when I get handed my phone. 

(The conversation)

S: Hello? Yes speaking. What?! Wait slow down a bit for me... Oh god! When did this happen? I'll be there right away. Get her mum to calm down for me please. See you soon (Hangs up) 

The color immeadiatley disappears from my face and I collapse to my knees sobbing then all of a sudden I black out on the floor... What the actual fuck is going fuck is going on right now?

Felix's P.O.V

I turn around to see Sophie laying on the floor, I ran over and see that she has a message saying that her good friend Jane died during surgery. Ian is calling an Ambulance while Anthony holds ice against her head. 

5 minutes later... 

Felix: Babe? Oh my god your okay! The ambulance are on their way and then we're seeing your friend okay?

(she nods and says she needs to tell Felix something)

Felix: What, sweetie?

Sophie: (almost a whisper) I-I don't know if I should tell you... 

Felix: what??

Sophie: I'm Pregnant... about 5 months already

(Everyone gasps and Felix started crying out a waterfall as he listened to the story of how it happened.)

Sophie: Babe? Are you okay? You didn't want to be a daddy did you?

Felix: Y-yeah, OH MY GOD!! I am gonna be a daddy! (hugs her) I am so happy, wait is it a boy or a girl?

Sophie: A little girl AND I have an idea for a name too (whispers a name) Yay or nay?

Felix: I think it's a great name!

(Ambulance arrive, they  check her over and it appears she has a cut on the side of her head so they take her to the hospital to get it sorted)

At the hospital...

I was sitting next to Soph as she is having a scan to check the baby's okay and I hear the weirdest but happiest 3 words of my entire life ... There they are!

Sophie's P.O.V 

I look at Felix and then said, 

"Excuse me, what did you say? I got told I was having just a little girl"

The nurse reassures us that there are two little girls not just one and I am crying even more than I already was. They looked so cute and I can tell that everything is okay by the smile on her face. So once we had the scan photo, we walked down the hall to see Jacksepticeye (seán) crying really hard while hugging Sheila (Jane's mum) who seemed pretty calm until she saw Felix and I.

She ran to give me a hug and she asked how I cut my head and I explained EVERYTHING! She gasped and stroked my bump. I asked Seán why he was here and he said that he was Jane's brother. That's why her last name was Mcloughlin, Jane Mildrew McLoughlin. Felix Doesn't know but me and Seán actually were dating about 1 month before we got together. Why we Broke up you ask? LONG STORY!!

I love you Part 2 of meeting PewDiePie (Smosh/PewDiePie/Jacksepticeye Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now