What happened...

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(This one for some reason is taking ages, Enjoy anyway)

Sophie's P.O.V *Flashback*

I got home from my last day of college and I couldn't wait to see my boyfriend Seán after an exhausting day. I called out but I couldn't hear him at all so I was guessing that he was still at work. I threw my stuff on the sofa started to walk upstairs when I heard muffled moans coming from Upstairs so I quietly tiptoed to the door and looked in the crack of the door and what I saw shocked me really bad.

There was Seán was on OUR bed making out with his tongue with this girl that I am guessing was Korean. I slammed open our door and they both screeched as they saw me standing there. 

I could only say one thing before I turned and locked myself in the bathroom and have a mental breakdown:

"Now I know where you were! Snogging that bitch... not even a fucking Congratulations for getting 100% on every test. Couldn't even be bothered to come to graduation ceremony"

Sean's P.O.V. 

What have I done? I'm so god damn stupid!! Sophie is the best thing that has ever happened to me since my baby sis was born... God I wish this Bitch had gone now! I walk over to the bathroom door and knock lightly. She Hates me now doesn't she? Man I am an idiot!! I walk into the Bedroom and gather up all my things in my Famous Jacksepticeye suitcase. I walk down the stairs, leave the keys on the side with a note that said:

'I am so sorry Babe... I don' t know what the fuck I was thinking. I hope you understand that I love you so much :( Bye Sophie x Again, I am really sorry :('

I left with my suitcase and headed towards the airport to stay with my parents


 I look up at Sophie and hug her tight but not tight enough that it might hurt her. I look at her through my bloodshot eyes and I just smile. I step back and see that Sophie has a huge cut on her head.

I ask to speak to her quickly and we went downstairs to get a coffee in the cafeteria. We got a table and sat down.

I said suddenly,

"Sophie, I am SOOO sorry for what happened years ago. I honestly wanted to know if.... you still love me?"

(This one for some reason is taking ages, Enjoy anyway)

I love you Part 2 of meeting PewDiePie (Smosh/PewDiePie/Jacksepticeye Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now