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I'm driving home after my date with the girls. I just dropped the ladies off at their homes. I texted Romeo informing him I'll be home in 20 minutes. It's was great seeing them again,thought seeing them with their babies would be hard but it actually brought more healing.

I just hope both ladies can forgive their partners cause after all what's life without second chances. I stop at the red light listening to the lemonade album,I'm now 5 minutes away from home,so I decide to let Romeo know. When suddenly I hear a loud bang,glass shatters onto my thighs. While still trying to comprehend what's happening,I feel a sharp pain on the right side of my head and then complete darkness.


I'm now home breastfeeding the twins when I hear Jason talking downstairs with his mother. She informs him that we're in his old room which she turned into a nursery. Stephanie was mad when she found out her son was messing with his assistant. I was shocked that she actually took my side.

"Hey beautiful, how are my favourite people doing?"

"They're growing"

"I meant you too ,how are you doing"

"Besides being horny,I'm good"

I say putting JJ in his crib, Jasmine is already asleep in her crib. He walks up behind me placing his hands on my hips seductively as I watch over both my kids.

"I can help with that"

He whispers in my ear and kisses down my neck,lingering on my soft spot. He knows neck kisses are my weakness. He turns me to face him when our lips crash into each other.


I'm glad Angie took me out,I needed the new scenery. I was starting to fall into some post partum depression. Being with the girls really gave me a chance to think about my kids and my marriage. Watching over my twins,I hear someone walk in the nursery.

"We made that,aren't they just so peaceful"

"Yes,our little miracles"

"Neo,can we talk?"

" about?"

"Us and our marriage...... Neo I know I messed up,hanging with Ashley again but I swear I never fuc... I mean slept with her. We just hung around but it never became physical."

"Wether you slept with her or not Sbu ,that's not the issue. When we got married,you promised me that I'd never have to deal with Ashley in any way ever again but here we are again,arguing because of her"

"I know Neo and I'm sorry"

"Sorry doesn't fix anything Sbu and frankly I'm tired of all your sorrys. You claim to love me but all you do is hurt me. 8 years we've been together and no matter what I do and no matter how many chances I give you,you continue to hurt me. I just don't think I can do this anymore"

"I won't divorce Neo,I refuse. I love you baby"

Sbu is now in tears. My wife has had a lot of things happen to her in her 35 years of existence. For 8 years this is the first time I actually see her shed tears publicly,well second cause I saw her shed a tear when the twins were born. She tried to hide it but I noticed,she's always been the strong one. I walk over to her embracing her,I love this woman.

"I love you too but that's not enough anymore Sbu"

"I'll fight for you. I'll make it up to you, just give me a chance to prove myself. Don't give up on us just yet"

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