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They reach the hospital in 40 minutes.Red from carrying his bloodied fiancé Romeo ran into the emergency area screaming for help. Two porters came rushing towards him with a stretcher while others assisted the women in labour.

All three women where wheeled into the maternity area but Angie was wheeled into the maternity theatre for an emergency evacuation and cleaning of the womb but not before confirming if there was a heartbeat present. Angie was falling in and out of consciousness due to the massive blood loss and blow to the head.


"It's too early Sbu,they're only 32 weeks old,they can't come now"

"Baby please relax. They'll be just fine"

"Don't you baby me!..... ahhhhhhhh"

Neo screams as a contraction hits her,she's holding onto Sbu's hand and squeezing the life out of it with every contraction.

"You better pray my babies come out alive and well or it's your funeral,you lying sack of shit,you hoe!.....ahhhhhhhhhh"

She screams

"Nurse can't you give her something for the pain?"

Pulling her by the colar of her hospital gown,given to her for the birth...

"I don't want nothing for the pain! Are you trying to kill us!"

"Baby no I'm just/"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP! ! I should have never agreed to having your children. I should have never agreed to marrying your unfaithful black ass"

She grabs onto Sbu's hand as the contractions increase in intensity. The nurse walks in with the doctor as she shows him the CTG strip paper (heart monitor).

"Neo we're going to have to wheel you into theatre,one of the babies hearts isn't beating well and the longer the labour takes,the more danger she gets into"

"Just do what you have to doctor"

"Sbu I'm going to need you to sign a consent for operation for us and the nurse will prepare your wife"

Sbu signs the consent while Neo is prepared for an emergency ceasarian section to save the twins. She's wheeled into theatre with her wife next to her.


"Tasha,you're now fully dilated,I'm going to ask you to push for me okay. With every contraction just push okay"

Tasha nods as she holds on tighter to Jason's hand which is ripe tomato red by now due to the pressure Tasha has been applying onto it. A contraction soon hits her and she pushes.

"Good Tasha,do the same with every contraction. So we can get to see mommy's mini me"

She pushes with the next contraction and her baby starts to crown. She pushes again with encouragement from her nurse and soon the head is out,they stop her to check for the cord around the neck,they find none. She pushes two more times before the baby's body is out.

They show her her baby,for her to confirm the sex and it's a girl. The nurse then palpates her abdomen to make sure nothing is left inside before giving her oxytocin to aid in contraction of the uterus. Jason is by the warmer too occupied with the nurses and his daugther when he hears the nurse say ...

"We're going to need the peaditrician, doctor Lou....Tasha there's another baby inside,I'm going to use a sterile razor to rupture his sac and when you get a contraction just push"

Tasha has an undiagnosed twin which the doctors failed to detect during her sonar visits. Shocked and proud at the same time Jason smiles at Tasha and goes back to holding her hand. Tasha is still very mad at her husband but now is not the time to be hostile.


"They won't fucken let me in man!! That's my FUcken wife and son in there."

He screams colliding his fist with the wall in the waiting area,startling family and visitors waiting for relatives. Raymond walks over to his now emotional brother trying to comfort him.

"Rome come down man. They're just doing their job. Let's just wait on the doctors"

"That's my wife Ray and it's my fault they're in there."

He says crying into his palms. Raymond and Ronald comfort him the best they can. The doctor walks out and they stand up. Only to be disappointed when they realise it's not Angies doctor. 30 minutes later her doctor comes out,Romeo knows it's nothing good by the look on her face.


Romeo and his brothers stand up. She knows Romeo but she doesn't know his brothers,so she gives him a questioning look.

"It's okay doc,they're my brother's"

"Romeo I'm sorry but Angie lost the baby,she's currently sleeping but we managed to clean her womb and remove the baby. She will be able to have kids in the future. You can go see her"

Romeo sits down on the chairs in the waiting area,burying his head in his hands,he sobs. Raymond sits next to his brother comforting him.

"I killed him Ray,I killed my own son. I took away my own flesh and blood. I took away the only family Angie could've had. This is karma for all the lives I took. She will never forgive me for this"

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