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Last night I was startled by the presence of someone in my bed,only to find that it's my little niece. I'd forgotten she was spending the night with me. Caitlin is my brothers daughter who I found out about after his death. When 2 days after he died one of his 'girls' came over to say that she had been looking after my niece the night he died. My brother had asked her to keep her for the night cause he had some business to handle. She was worried when he never came to fetch her the next morning and later that day is when she found out he had been killed. She decided to bring Caitie to me. I just don't understand why my brother never told me about her.

"Aunt Angie,I'm ready"

"Caitie you're going dressed like that?"

"Yes dad bought me this because he said I was his little fairy princess"

"Well baby you'll be the most beautiful fairy in school today"

"Aunt Angie"

"Yes baby"

"I miss daddy"

"I miss him too love"

"Do you think we'll get to see him again one day like the pastor said?"

"Yes him but not soon. Just remember that even though his gone. He still watching over you and will always be in here"

I say as I pat the left side of her chest. Reminding her that he'll always be in her heart.

"He's also watching over you too aunt Angie"

For a 5 year old this girl is too old for her age.

"Yes Angel,both of us. Now let's get going or you'll be late for school and me for my meeting."

I drop off my niece at her preschool. Making sure to take her straight to class and letting the teacher know that I'll be fetching her after school. You can never be too careful with her father's killer roaming the streets. I drive off to my brothers lawyer who has called me for the reading of the will. Lorenzo will be joining us.

"Looking good Angie"

"Hey Enzo,you don't look too bad yourself."

"Thanks but how have you've been holding up beautiful"

"One day at a time Lorenzo. It's not easy but having Caitlin with me helps,it's like I have part of him there"

"I'm glad she's helping you with your grief . I didn't know that your brother never told you he had a child"

"Yeah I was surprised when Cinnabuns or whatever her name is brought her to the house. I never thought my brother would keep his child from me"

"Well in his defense Angie,he found out 5 days before he died about her. Maybe he was also trying to get his head around being a father."

"Yeah I guess"

The lawyer walks in as I think about what Lorenzo just said. I can't help but wonder if my brother was certain about Caitlin being his. I pray she is.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. My meeting took longer"

"It's okay we haven't been waiting long Mr Wood" Angie

"Angie you can call me Trevor. Your brother was like a brother to me. So your pratically my little sister"

"Oh okay Trevor"

I smile as Lorenzo huffs,giving Trevor a deadly glare. Lorenzo has always had a crush on me. I met him when I used to stay with my brother. That's when I was high school. He tried to get with me but my brother warned him to stay away from me. He even told me he doesn't want me spending time or being friendly with any of the guys in his crew. Lorenzo knew to stay away from me.

"So you both know. Shane changed his will 2 days before he died. He wanted to make sure his daughter was well provided for. He left two letters one for you Angie and the other is for you Lorenzo.We can start the reading now and you'll read the letters when we are done."

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