Chapter Sixteen

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     "Ill go with you!" You exclaimed while holding onto Inuyasha's arm. "No.'' He simply said as he, Sango, Kagome, Miroku, Kirara, Kage, Ah-Un, Jaken, and Sesshomaru left the hut. "Let them go defeat Naraku, child. They will be successful, ye will see.'' Kaede told you as she beckoned you forward to collect herbs with her.

"Can I come too?" Rin asked as she popped up. Sesshomaru brought Jaken, Rin, and Ah-Un with him when he fully recovered.

     "Of course!" You answered smiling brightly. "I am really glad that toad isn't here..." You thought as Shippo walked forward, they had left him behind too, said it was too 'dangerous'.

You took a hand of each child and walked out the hut with Kaede by your side. You were happy that you could be alone with these three for a while, it would get your mind off things.

    "How are you feeling Lady (y/n)?" Rin asked as she lightly tugged on your tail, you chuckled, she was so naïve and cute. "I'm feeling fine, how are you feeling Lady Kaede?" You asked the priestess as you saw her become tense, she didn't answer you but instead she looked around.

     "Is something the matter?" You asked her as you held Rin and Shippo closer. "Kagura!" Shippo shouted as Kagura came out of the sky. "Yo.'' She simply said as she took her fan and fanned herself.

"What do ye want, foul witch?!" Kaede asked angrily as she took her bow and aimed it at Kagura. "Why so hostile? I was just paying a visit..." Kagura said sarcastically as she walked towards you and the children, you instinctively shoved the children behind you.

     "Don't come any closer!" You yelled as you stood by Kaede's side, you unsheathed Heiwasaiga and prepared yourself for battle, Kagura deeply sighed.

"I am not here for a battle," She started taking another step forward, you narrowed your eyes suspiciously. "I am here for help..." She said while taking her fan and throwing it aside, she was now weaponless and defenseless.

     "What do you need help with?" You asked as you sheathed Heiwasaiga, Kaede stopped aiming, and the children were now by your side. "Naraku." She spit disgustedly.

"I cant help you then, I'm sorry and I want to rid the world of him too but I cant.'' You told her as you put a hand on your stomach, she understood and scoffed. "Perfect timing, right when the big bloody battle is going to begin.'' She said angrily.

     "I honestly don't care if this angers you, I am glad about this.'' You smiled at her and Kagura's eyes softened before returning to normal. "I envy you (y/n), I cant have children." Kagura said while smiling sadly at her own stomach.

"You can have children once we rid the world of Naraku. Once we do, you will become happy." You smiled at her and she smiled back. "I hope you're right." She answered glumly before grabbing her fan and leaving on her feather, you smiled at her and everyone looked at you curiously. "She is an ally..." You thought happily.

Two Sets Of EyesOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara