Chapter Thirteen

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"Nothing!" You answered quickly as you looked around, Kikyo was gone. "I was looking for you!" You said, changing the subject and launching yourself at him. He chuckled and hugged you back. "So what's up with your stomach?" Inuyasha asked you as he got worried.

"I'm pregnant!" You exclaimed as you kissed him passionately. You were hoping it was his and not from that night... Inuyasha kissed you back and you were genuinely happy, you never thought you'd be so happy.

You and Inuyasha walked back to the village calmly and happily. Kage and Kirara walked up to you when you both arrived. "Kage! Kirara! I'm pregnant!" You exclaimed as you hugged both felines. Both nuzzled you and you purred in delight.

     "Congratulations, my queen." Kirara and Kage said as they tilted their head and meowed. "Did we hear correctly?" Sango, Miroku, and Shippo asked as they came over. "Yeah!" You said while hugging Inuyasha.

"Congratulations!" Miroku, Sango, and Shippo exclaimed as they group hugged you. You chuckled and hugged back. "Thank you!" You replied while rubbing your tummy, it was going to start showing quickly.

     "I love you." Inuyasha whispered in your ear. You smiled at him and replied, "I love you too!" You said quietly, luckily the others couldn't hear you.


     It was night and everyone was asleep, Inuyasha included. You chuckled at him, his hair was a mess and his ears twitched every one in a while.

     "I'm going for a walk."  You thought walking out the hut. You walked and walked until you arrived at the Goshinboku.

     "Fresh air feels good every once in a while." You thought aloud while looking at the starry night. "Indeed it does." Another voice agreed. You immediately became alerted, that voice belonged to Kikyo. "Leave me alone!" You exclaimed while jumping in a tree, if you were in danger you had Heiwasaiga with you.

"I am Inuyasha's true lover! I will not rest until you are dead!" Kikyo yelled aiming an arrow at you, you gasped when she let it fly.

Your vision went completely white for a second before returning to normal. You were in Sesshomaru's arms, you looked up at him. He looked at you in such a loving way...

     "Stupid demon! You dare defy me!" Kikyo yelled aiming another arrow at the couple. "Leave before I cut your head clean off your false clay body." Sesshomaru said darkly while still looking at you. Kikyo gasped lightly and turned. "I will be back for you, cat!" She said before walking away.

     "Thank-" You were interrupted by Sesshomaru kissing you. You were shocked but pushed him away. "Is it mine?" He asked you while looking at your abdomen. You looked away, "I don't know." You thought. "No, of course not. Its Inuyasha's." You told Sesshomaru before pushing yourself off him.

      "Don't ever kiss me again, only Inuyasha is permitted to do that." You whispered. "Tch! You didn't say that when we spent the night together!" Sesshomaru exclaimed, you never saw him show that much emotion. "Shut up!" You shouted at him, "Someone could hear us!" You exclaimed.

"Hear what?"


     "Nothing!" You answered quickly as you looked around, Kikyo was gone. "I was looking for you!" You said, changing the subject and launching yourself at him. He lightly chuckled and hugged you back. "So what is the matter with your stomach?" Sesshomaru asked you with a worried expression.

"I'm pregnant!" You exclaimed as you kissed him passionately. You were hoping it was his and not from that night... Sesshomaru kissed you back and you were genuinely happy, you never thought you'd be so happy.

You and Sesshomaru walked back to the village calmly and happily. Kage and Kirara walked up to you when you both arrived. "Kage! Kirara! I'm pregnant!" You exclaimed as you hugged both felines. Both nuzzled you and you purred in delight.

     "Congratulations, my queen." Kirara and Kage said as they tilted their head and meowed. "Did we hear correctly?" Sango, Miroku, and Shippo asked as they came over. "Yeah!" You said while hugging Sesshomaru.

"Congratulations!" Miroku, Sango, and Shippo exclaimed as they group hugged you. You chuckled and hugged back. "Thank you!" You replied while rubbing your tummy, it was going to start showing quickly.

     "I love you, my mate." Sesshomaru whispered in your ear. You smiled at him and replied, "I love you too!" You said quietly, luckily the others couldn't hear you.


     It was night and everyone was asleep, surprisingly Sesshomaru included. You chuckled at him, his hair was a mess and his nose twitched every one in a while.

     "I'm going for a walk."  You thought walking out the hut. You walked and walked until you arrived at the Goshinboku.

     "Fresh air feels good every once in a while." You thought aloud while looking at the starry night. "Indeed it does." Another voice agreed. You immediately became alerted, that voice belonged to Kikyo. "Leave me alone!" You exclaimed while jumping in a tree, if you were in danger you had Heiwasaiga with you.

"I am Inuyasha's true lover! I will not rest until you are dead!" Kikyo yelled aiming an arrow at you, you gasped when she let it fly.

Your vision went completely red for a second before returning to normal. You were in Inuyasha's arms, you looked up at him. He looked at you in such a loving way...

     "Inuyasha! You dare defy me!" Kikyo yelled aiming another arrow at the couple. "Leave! I don't want to hurt you Kikyo." Inuyasha said while still looking at you. Kikyo stopped aiming and turned. "I will be back for you, cat!" She said before walking away.

     "Thank-" You were interrupted by Inuyasha kissing you. You were shocked but pushed him away. "Is it mine?" He asked you excitedly while looking at your abdomen. You looked away, "I don't know." You thought. "No, of course not. Its Sesshomaru's." You told Inuyasha  before pushing yourself off him.

      "Don't ever kiss me again, only Sesshomaru is permitted to do that." You whispered. "Really? You didn't say that when we spent the night together!" Inuyasha exclaimed, you didn't know what to say. "Shut up!" You shouted at him, "Someone could hear us!" You exclaimed.

"Hear what?"

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