The Calm Before the Storm

Start from the beginning

Man, acting like a human is such a bother.

"Lady Akira, it is my understanding that you do not have your wits about you, yes?" Rigimortis opens his eyes just a hair more, expecting me to lash out from his insult. I simply tilt my head and furrow my brows. They all stare at me, wanting to take their turns at this impossible game of hide and seek. I feel the tension in the room heating up. "Well, since we've arrived at a stalemate, I suppose what's left to do is... unfortunately the only option we have." A grand smile flashes onto Rigimortis's lips as the others in the room begin laughing maniacally. This isn't good. I wasn't expecting a sneak attack, although I definitely should've seen it coming since I'd obviously lead us to a stalemate and force their hand. If they found my guardians, I can't even imagine what they'd threaten me with.

The only ones not joining in the snickering fest are Isis and Frederick. Isis's face completely lacks any emotion. She's a solid wall. On the other side of the Rock Elementalist, Frederick holds an expression of sympathy and pity. His eyes are half shut as if he can't decide to watch me or look away.

"Bring him in, please!" Rigimortis commands the shadow person to leave the room. Only a few minutes pass before the door is lurched open again by the shadow figure. He drags in a large black crow with its feet tied together. They caught Itsu.

My nerves twitch with the recognition of my death crow ensnared in the enemy's grasp. I raised him and gave him a purpose to this life. He's the only pet I've ever had and he's been with me for hundreds of years. My poor little Itsu is going to be tortured right in front of me and I can't do a single thing about it. I mean, I shouldn't. My heart beats rapidly inside my chest, rattling my rib bones. I feel Their eyes on me, waiting for me to clench my fists or blink any tears away.

My eyes neglect to water and my limbs don't move an inch. I wouldn't dare give Them the satisfaction of watching me crack.

"If you don't already know, Lady Akira, this little creature," Rigimortis points a strong finger to Itsu, "is the crow of death. He was once a prisoner of our fortress, but you kidnapped him." He looks at me now, drawing his brows together with the animosity of being duped.

He's right, I did steal Itsu from Them. I have no shame for saving the life of someone who can only bring death. Besides, Itsu provided happiness to me, even though that joy was the child of murder and deceit. He was my servant and he did as I asked without questions. He's the most loyal dog I've ever had and there's no doubt that I love him like a mother loves her child.

I can remember when I first laid eyes on him, his skin was tattered with burns, scrapes, and several of his bones were broken. He was just a boy then, barely a century old and already he looked aged from the dirt and darkness. He looked like what I always imagined my void to look like, with his darkened heart and black aura of death. He warned me not to touch him since I'd feel the thoughts and emotions of dying. I ignorantly reached out for him anyways and knew after the pain left, that he and I were a great deal alike. His white eyes could see more of the world than anyone I've ever known. He didn't just see it, he understood it.

Before people were sent to Earth, after the huge war against this committee, we could raid the Elementalists' fortress. We wanted to rescue any of the surviving prisoners and we almost missed Itsu. If it wasn't for those white eyes I would've mistaken him for a dusty corner. But there he was, curled up in a ball with his arms and legs taut from starvation. I thought his skin was naturally grey, but the second he threw himself into the rivers outside his light skin revealed itself. The genuine smile on his face was more than my heart could handle.

He never did enlighten me on how he managed to get himself imprisoned down there, and I never prodded him to explain. I remember telling him, "You are my Crow of Death, and my own personal reaper." At that point we became more than servant and master, we grew to love each other like a family. He killed for me, did exactly what I asked when I asked it, and he did it happily.

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