Reasonable Paranoia

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We transform into our spirit guardian bodies effortlessly. Lion vision takes over my eyes just as ears sprout from the upper sides of my head. My sight and hearing abilities heighten, increasing my reflexes. Kappie's black curved horns and septum ring appear in a flash. I already know his physical strength increases dramatically in spirit guardian form. It'll be his strength against my wit.

"You do realize we don't have any weapons in this meadow?" The eyes of the Taurus guardian narrow at me, playfully brushing his feet behind him for intimidation.

"Just how I like it." I smirk, and immediately lunge for my brother.

Each move we make is ultra fast and could hardly be understood by an outsider. My right fist aims for his cheek, easily dodged. I come back with my elbow to his chin, no luck. Kappie backs out of the way and swings his leg for my face in a tight kick. I grab ahold of his leg and yank it towards me, throwing him off balance. He simply jumps off the ground with the other leg and flips in the air to hit me in the face with his other foot. My grip loosens on his ankle, giving him enough slack to get his leg back. I charge for him full throttle with both fists going and legs kicking, he's only allowed to block me, not attack me.

The boulder I love so dearly is caught in my peripheral vision.

Kappie backflips away from me and roundhouse kicks in the air, I easily block it and hit him in the gut, sending him a few feet back. He's closer to the boulder. My instinct is to keep ushering him closer to it. In the meantime, we continue to throw fists and block hits, hardly phasing each other. We're an even match in most cases, it all depends on who thinks faster in the ending crucial moment.

My feet find his thighs, climbing up the front of him and kneeing him in the chin, hard, followed by a swift kick to the neck. Our moves quicken in speed and we're hardly thinking as instinct morphs over our bodies. My right hook finds his grasp as he flips me around, straining my muscles. It burns something fierce. I retaliate and slam my heel into his shin, sliding myself out of his clasp. Kappie jumps and slides back, even closer to the boulder.

I can taste the sweet victory.

I somersault towards him, and kick my feet around at his ankles. He flips out of the way, landing on his hands and spins on one of his palms to face me again. I crouch down on the ground in one smooth beat. Then, with all the strength I have left I once again lunge for the bull. Shoving him to the boulder with both my hands on his chest.

His body slams against the rock, but doesn't phase him nearly as much as I need it to. My forearm presses to his throat, while my free hand finds his wrist and ceases it. A fire sprouts in his purple and red eyes. He knees me hard in my side, and smacks my ear with his palm.

We begin playfully slapping each other and uncontrollable laughter disrupts the calming sound of the wind. Our minds are easily consumed in the act of childish fighting.

My ears perk at the sound of an arrow whistling by our heads. It pierces the rock beside Kappie's ear, pinning some of his hair to the boulder. The head of the arrow is deeply embedded into the rock. We--mostly me--turn our heads to where it came from.

In the distance, by the back door to our small house, I spot our mother straightening herself and sliding the bow around her thin figure. An unfamiliar woman stands beside dragon lady. This woman's hair is purple and white, she wears a long gown like I've seen from ancient eras on Earth. It's laced with jewels and fine cloth only royalty and wealthy people can afford. She has grey eyes that seem empty of emotions. I've never seen her before in my entire life.

"Who is that, Kap?" I whisper for our ears only.

"That must be Isis Sheeno." He breathes and we both break free from each other and swiftly bow to the woman standing on the other side of the meadow. I can't keep the giggle sprouting behind my lips when I notice we're both panting heavily to catch our breaths. Kappie meets my laugh and counters it with a broad smile.

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