The People of the Elements

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"Is something the matter?" Isis asks me without a glimmer of emotion on her features. It's been a few minutes since I remembered who she is, and I have yet to speak.

She's betrayed me and lied to me my entire life. All along I thought she was my mother, but now she's here, at this fortress. She's one of Them, and I was adopted by someone so heartless. Now my brain rewinds time to try and figure out how long she's been there, in my life, lying to me and if I could've stopped it. I was raised by one of Them, one of the people I hate most in this world. Every cell inside me ignites and sets my soul on fire. The void inside my gut churns with disgust, I could end her right here and right now. Every shard that my heart has broken into, begins to glue itself back together with the rage boiling in my blood. I could never be the spawn of something so wicked.

I can't be the Goddess of Destruction, not for Them. What They want is my power, but what They'll get is my innocence and ignorance. I have to save my wild emotions for another time.

"No...I'm sorry...It's just-" I bite my lip, looking down to my feet, and play into the character I have to be for Them, "You're breathtaking." An innocent smile slowly creeps onto my lips, fighting my every instinct to rip her head off. The grin lingers for only a second. My patience is on edge, watching for signs of her belief in my act.

Her icy grey eyes narrow and her chin is thrusted upwards just a hair before she speaks, "Do you know why you are here?" I open my mouth to answer but she continues, "Do you know who I am?" I furrow my eyebrows just long enough for a look of natural confusion.

The door Isis came through earlier, lurches open and a group of ten figures pile into the room one by one. They're all well past my height and even Steele's height, they're a good head or two taller than him.

The first figure to enter the room is a muscular male with the skin pattern identical to the smooth brown rocks you'd find in a river bed. He's bald with a very square jaw line and wears a brown hooded cloak with slim sleeves over his muscular arms. The hood drapes over his head at all times. Form fitted armor compresses to his body and hides under the shadows of the cloak. His name is Rigimortis, the rock elementalist, and unofficial leader of the Committee of Elementalists.

The second figure in the room is female with pale blonde hair so long it drapes below her waistline, and constantly moves in an unseen wind. Her skin is so light it's nearly translucent. She wears a white dress so faint it too could be transparent, and it moves around her legs with the same current moving her hair. The fabric is completely clear near her collarbone, and becomes less see-through as it meets at the waist with a white belt. The fabric of the skirt is hardly sewn together, it's mostly made up of long pieces only sewn to the belt of the skirt. Her legs peek through as she walks. Her face is soft and young with a beauty out of this world. She is Wicker, the wind elementalist.

The next figure is also female, her skin is the color of metal and completely smooth. The white hair on her head is cut short into a bob with bangs draping over her forehead. Her body is wrapped in a skin tight grey jumpsuit. It's sleeveless with a halter top and the fabric covering her ribs is replaced by something like fishnet. She's very lean and contoured to have excellent curves. Her movements appear robotic, like a cyborg. Her name is Metallia, the metal elementalist.

Frederick is up next with his bright red hair and pale skin. He's slender, almost lanky, but still powerful. His element is fire and everything about him glows, even his skin. The hair on his head is long, all one length, it brushes past his shoulders. His jawline is strong and diamond shaped. He's very handsome and charming, always a pleasure to converse with. His tight black pants and red waistcoat add to his fierce appearance. The fire elementalist's features are soft yet masculine. He reminds me very much of Miyazu, and even carries a faint smile on his face at all times.

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