Run like a Crow

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Chapter3.  C.W.O
Dark limbs twist into me and dig at my flesh.
I repeat the word in my head until it loses meaning.
The forest seems like a mutilated body of tree limbs and white thick snow.
I don't know how far I've gotten but I know I'm far from the prison hospital and I'm even farther from the warm streets of the city.
The real word that drives each shaky step.
Until I can't anymore. The words just become words and the trees become just trees and all the adrenaline flees like an old friend.

I stop in my tracks and press my face to the cool bark of a tree. I bite my tongue to stop from gagging.
"OK I need to build something. shelter. I need to survive. Toby. I'll find him. I just...."
My words fall on the ears of a crow who sits perched above my head. His one glinting eye tips in agreement.
I start by looking around. Two boulders sit to my left, they look big enough to be some sort of shelter.
My arms shake as I gather small logs and awkwardly pile them atop the two boulders.
After I finish I lean on the cool rock to get my bearings.
The crow let's out a shrill cry. Is he my next meal or my friend? Was there a difference at this point?
My stomach rumbles  in protest. Seeming to sense my idea of making him my meal the crow launches off into the night sending a spray of snow swirling down.
Next is the thought of a fire. 
The weight of a coat of my shoulders suddenly becomes apparent. The man who helped me escape must have put it on before I started running. I'm so out of it I didn't even notice... or thank him for any of it.
First I search my left pocket and my heart sinks to find nothing. Then I reach into my right, a cry of joy threatens to leave my mouth as I pull out a lighter and a piece of paper. I shove the paper back in my pocket and then scurry around building the fire.
It's small and hidden by the rocks and logs but it provides enough warmth to satisfy my aching feet and lull me to sleep.
A dark, oily, thick sleep that cocoons me.

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