Take your medicine

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chapter 2  C.W.O

Everything from the point of my near death experience to the hospital was like a fuzzy photo one wants to burn.
The tingling in my hands crawls up to my cheeks and Into my brain like invading hot needles.
I hear a muffled curse and suddenly the pressure on my arms releases and the tingling dissipated.
"Don't move. I have no idea what I'm doing"
My eyes snap open at what seemed to be a snails pace.
Before me is a tall lab coat and glasses. Through blurry vision I can see tossed black hair and a jawline that any girl recognizes as attractive.
"If this is the afterlife then I'm hoping you are my guardian angel" 
I slur through heavy lips. 
A soft chuckle leaves the young man. 
I tilt my head to the left and clear my vision enough to Point out several medical charts on a puke coloured wall.
"definitely not heaven." 
'maybe a sort of hell' I think bitterly.  When I turn back, the lab coat is gone. 
I try to roll over only to discover the pull of wrist straps.  Maybe getting shot wasn't my smartest plan. Or ending up in the sort of hell where they stitch you and tag you and send you to labs to be tested. 
Quietly I count to 5 before swinging my whole lower body over the edge of the cot.
Sweat breaks out on my temple and I have to shove my face into my pillow to stop myself from outwardly screaming bloody murder.
I don't remember the next couple minutes of pulling out tubes and somehow unstrapping myself.  All I can comprehend is an illegal amount of pain and Red liquid blooming like a rose over my nightgown. 
Strong hands wrap around my wrists and I'm turned.
There he is... my angel. My lips curl into a silly smile, maybe it's the fact that I'm weightless or the fact that this guy is trying to move my drugged body  but I laugh. Then I remember why I'm here,
"They brought in a little boy did you see him, I'm a criminal?!?"
He sets his jaw and makes a tsk  tsk sound with his lips.
"You aren't very smart if you are saying things like that in front of a doctor. Maybe I should ask them for some of the stuff they have you on."
And then there's the laugh again. Soft and light like this is a holiday for him.
"You aren't a real doctor?!" the shock obvious in my tone.
He doesn't answer as he lowers my body into the wheel chair beside the bed and places a thin blanket over the blood stains.
"Nows the easy part. We are gonna leave this hospital and you will be indebted to me.for the rest of your life."
A sick feeling rises In my throat as he wheels me out of the dainty room.  Outside the room my eyes have a hard time adjusting to the pitch black hallway and goosebumps raise over my bare legs. 
The sounds of crackling light bulbs keep us company as we move slowly down a multitude of unknown hallways.
Something about the man's shaky fingers by my shoulders puts me on edge.
"do you-"
We stop just before another corner. A light flickers down the hallway then a distinct sound of boots on cement grows louder.
I try to shrink into myself trying to shy away from the sound of breathing that seems to be looming, taking its time to catch us.
A loud scream echoes down the corridor making my heart jump. We take that as our cue to leave, me in the chair, my rescuer running full tilt behind. 
"Stop" I gasp. He doesn't and instead makes a sharp turn.
We are assaulted by the sudden flash blue and green lights as we burst through swinging double doors and into the brisk outside. We skid to a stop just in time for me to empty the contents of my stomach onto the blanket and snow packed ground.
I only look up once im done puking to survey the city lights which bounce green and blue hues on the snow crested trees.   Sirens wail in the distance.
"they are coming for me"
I sigh, letting a plume of mist leave my parched lips.  Warm breath slides down my neck and he whispers.
My feet don't wait, a fresh wave of adrenaline pumps my heart as I press my feet into the painful crisp snow and take off running.

The Blood ForestOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora