11: I'm Taking You Out.

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did you know, that people are reading this story in turkish now? How awesome is that. 

DEDICATED TO: Mixer_101x because her comments are funny and make me laugh xD But you changed your name.. :(


Harry yawned, stretching and then snuggling back up to the boy next to him, his blonde hair tickling Harry's nose. Harry looked behind him and saw the time. Midday. It's about time he and Niall woke up. 

"Niall, babe, get up." Harry whispered, giving Niall's neck butterfly kisses, making the younger boy stir. 

"No." Niall answered, pulling the duvet even further up past his head. 

"Niall, it's midday." Harry whispered, making Niall shoot up and sit with his back straight. 

"How did we sleep until noon?" Niall questioned, feeling Harry get up also and wrap his arm around Niall's naked torso, kissing his bare shoulder, making Niall blush from remembering the events last night. 

"We were busy last night." Harry whispered, his voice coarse. 

"Yeah, we were." Niall responded, his cheeks getting hotter and hotter. 

Harry only hummed in response, kissing his way down Niall's neck to his collar bone, then to his shoulder and back up, making Niall's skin alight and burning with the sensation of his lips. 

"You're my boyfriend now." Harry whispered in awe, only making Niall blush more. "And boyfriends go on dates." Harry said.

"So?" Niall asked, turning a little to see Harry's face. 

"I'm taking you out. No if's, but's or maybes. We're going on a date." 


Harry and Niall took a shower together, taking a little longer than needed, and got dressed, Niall sporting a singlet with black jeans (both Harry's and both surprisingly fit him), and Harry wore a clingy black top, black jeans, brown boots and a dark green beanie since his hair just wasn't working for him. (Maybe it was from Niall shoving his hands in it, who knows.)

"Are you at least going to tell me where we're going?" Niall asked once the pair was in the car, fed, clean and ready for the 'date'.

"Nope." Harry said, making the 'p' pop as he spoke. Niall could only sit next to him in the backseat of the car, Harry’s driver Paul taking them to their destination. 

Paul even pulled up a block from wherever they were supposed to go so that Niall couldn't possibly know what Harry had planned. When they were about 20 meters away from the big shopping centre like complex, Harry nudged Niall and made him stop.

"What. What now. No surprise." Niall said, a blunt look on his face. 

"Just close your eyes." Harry responded, making Niall groan, give him a dirty look and then close his eyes.

Niall felt something being shoved into his hand, and it felt rough and cold. He didn't open his eyes until Harry told him to, which wasn't for a while.

Harry was admiring Niall, looking at his soft, peaceful looking face for a few seconds before allowing him to open his eyes.

"I swear to god if this is some fucking joke." Niall muttered, glancing down at his hands and then to Harry.

"Is it a joke to you, now?" Harry asked, a cocky smirk planted on his face.

It wasn't anything extravagant, but Niall loved the thought. Harry was taking him to a movie, 'The Secret Life of Walter Mitty' a movie that had caught Niall's attention after he read the book, to which the movie looks different to the book.

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