34: Well?

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dedicated to everyone who still reads this or is just discovering this! welcome to the madness that is my updating schedule. (but actually ♪ Twerk0Like0Ash ♪)

i last updated this in February.... it is now august... amy wtf is wrong with you.

this is the last part before the epilogue (final chapter). please prepare yourselves.


"I know what Louis told you," Harry groaned as Niall grinded his ass into him against the wall, "And you'll never know when I'm going to do it."

All Niall could do was moan and throw his head back onto his boyfriends shoulder as roaming hands wandered over his chest. Harry hasn't been this assertive with him for a while now, and grinding up against the wall to their bedroom was a first. Usually Harry goes straight for the bed.

"I'll make sure you never pick up any signs," Harry panted, mouthing along Niall's delicate neck, nipping here and there to leave small purple marks.

"O-okay H-harry," Niall moaned, his body feeling like it was on fire with each touch Harry left on his body, "Whatever you s-say." 

Harry wasted little time after that and moved the pair of them into the bedroom, shutting the door behind him as he went, Niall's legs wrapped around his hips, his lips attached to the others. The both haven't been this horny in a while.

It's amazing what a 'could be proposal' will do to the hormones. 

"You've got me so excited." Niall breathed, his breath coming out in pants against Harry's skin, his lip being caught between his teeth.

Niall felt like his whole body was over sensitive. Each nerve ending was alive and he was reacting too easily to every single one of Harry's moves and touches and licks. Harry paused his undressing movements and looked down at Niall, his arms next to his head, his hair resting against the white sheets, his cheeks and lips a gorgeous shade of red. He couldn't resist himself as he ran his thumb lightly across Niall's bottom lip before capturing it in his lips.

"I love you, you know." Harry said when they separated, watching Niall's breath leave his lips and his eyes hood.

"I know. It'd be a bummer if you didn't to be honest." Niall retorted, making Harry let out a short chuckle before embracing his lover and kissing his lips until they were swollen and he had to move onto a different part of Niall's to kiss.

Every move was intense, loving and delicate. It was like a whole other man was touching Niall and he loved every minute of it. Was Harry only being this lovey because of what might happen in the future? Or has he only just realized how much he loves Niall? Niall moaned as he felt Harry's long fingers slowly trail along his skin, down his abdomen and under his waistband to dangerous territory.

"Stop now if you don't have time to fuck me into next Tuesday."

"I plan on fucking you into next year, darling."

"Hey Haz, do you want to go out with me tonight?" Niall asked from across the kitchen table, his lunch an empty plate in front of him. Louis had stopped by to clean the penthouse, making the pair lunch before he headed on his way to his own apartment, knowing full well what he'll hear if he stays where he was.

"And where are we going?" Harry asked, glancing up from his laptop, his green eyes illuminated from the screen, one eyebrow raising slightly from the sudden invitation.

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